{ "controls": { "datasource": { "type": "DatasourceControl", "label": "Datasource", "default": null, "description": null }, "viz_type": { "type": "VizTypeControl", "label": "Visualization Type", "default": "table", "description": "The type of visualization to display" }, "metrics": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "Metrics", "validators": [ null ], "valueKey": "metric_name", "description": "One or many metrics to display" }, "percent_metrics": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "Percentage Metrics", "valueKey": "metric_name", "description": "Metrics for which percentage of total are to be displayed" }, "y_axis_bounds": { "type": "BoundsControl", "label": "Y Axis Bounds", "renderTrigger": true, "default": [ null, null ], "description": "Bounds for the Y axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't narrow the data's extent." }, "order_by_cols": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "Ordering", "default": [], "description": "One or many metrics to display" }, "color_picker": { "label": "Fixed Color", "description": "Use this to define a static color for all circles", "type": "ColorPickerControl", "default": { "r": 0, "g": 122, "b": 135, "a": 1 }, "renderTrigger": true }, "metric": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Metric", "clearable": false, "description": "Choose the metric", "validators": [ null ], "valueKey": "metric_name" }, "metric_2": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Right Axis Metric", "default": null, "validators": [ null ], "clearable": true, "description": "Choose a metric for right axis", "valueKey": "metric_name" }, "stacked_style": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Stacked Style", "choices": [ [ "stack", "stack" ], [ "stream", "stream" ], [ "expand", "expand" ] ], "default": "stack", "description": "" }, "sort_x_axis": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Sort X Axis", "choices": [ [ "alpha_asc", "Axis ascending" ], [ "alpha_desc", "Axis descending" ], [ "value_asc", "sum(value) ascending" ], [ "value_desc", "sum(value) descending" ] ], "clearable": false, "default": "alpha_asc" }, "sort_y_axis": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Sort Y Axis", "choices": [ [ "alpha_asc", "Axis ascending" ], [ "alpha_desc", "Axis descending" ], [ "value_asc", "sum(value) ascending" ], [ "value_desc", "sum(value) descending" ] ], "clearable": false, "default": "alpha_asc" }, "linear_color_scheme": { "type": "ColorSchemeControl", "label": "Linear Color Scheme", "choices": [ [ "fire", "fire" ], [ "blue_white_yellow", "blue/white/yellow" ], [ "white_black", "white/black" ], [ "black_white", "black/white" ], [ "dark_blue", "light/dark blue" ], [ "pink_grey", "pink/white/grey" ] ], "default": "blue_white_yellow", "clearable": false, "description": "", "renderTrigger": true, "schemes": { "blue_white_yellow": [ "#00d1c1", "white", "#ffb400" ], "fire": [ "white", "yellow", "red", "black" ], "white_black": [ "white", "black" ], "black_white": [ "black", "white" ], "dark_blue": [ "#EBF5F8", "#6BB1CC", "#357E9B", "#1B4150", "#092935" ], "pink_grey": [ "#E70B81", "#FAFAFA", "#666666" ] }, "isLinear": true }, "normalize_across": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Normalize Across", "choices": [ [ "heatmap", "heatmap" ], [ "x", "x" ], [ "y", "y" ] ], "default": "heatmap", "description": "Color will be rendered based on a ratio of the cell against the sum of across this criteria" }, "horizon_color_scale": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Horizon Color Scale", "choices": [ [ "series", "series" ], [ "overall", "overall" ], [ "change", "change" ] ], "default": "series", "description": "Defines how the color are attributed." }, "canvas_image_rendering": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Rendering", "renderTrigger": true, "choices": [ [ "pixelated", "pixelated (Sharp)" ], [ "auto", "auto (Smooth)" ] ], "default": "pixelated", "description": "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that defines how the browser scales up the image" }, "xscale_interval": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "XScale Interval", "choices": [ [ 1, "1" ], [ 2, "2" ], [ 3, "3" ], [ 4, "4" ], [ 5, "5" ], [ 6, "6" ], [ 7, "7" ], [ 8, "8" ], [ 9, "9" ], [ 10, "10" ], [ 11, "11" ], [ 12, "12" ], [ 13, "13" ], [ 14, "14" ], [ 15, "15" ], [ 16, "16" ], [ 17, "17" ], [ 18, "18" ], [ 19, "19" ], [ 20, "20" ], [ 21, "21" ], [ 22, "22" ], [ 23, "23" ], [ 24, "24" ], [ 25, "25" ], [ 26, "26" ], [ 27, "27" ], [ 28, "28" ], [ 29, "29" ], [ 30, "30" ], [ 31, "31" ], [ 32, "32" ], [ 33, "33" ], [ 34, "34" ], [ 35, "35" ], [ 36, "36" ], [ 37, "37" ], [ 38, "38" ], [ 39, "39" ], [ 40, "40" ], [ 41, "41" ], [ 42, "42" ], [ 43, "43" ], [ 44, "44" ], [ 45, "45" ], [ 46, "46" ], [ 47, "47" ], [ 48, "48" ], [ 49, "49" ], [ 50, "50" ] ], "default": "1", "description": "Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the X scale" }, "yscale_interval": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "YScale Interval", "choices": [ [ 1, "1" ], [ 2, "2" ], [ 3, "3" ], [ 4, "4" ], [ 5, "5" ], [ 6, "6" ], [ 7, "7" ], [ 8, "8" ], [ 9, "9" ], [ 10, "10" ], [ 11, "11" ], [ 12, "12" ], [ 13, "13" ], [ 14, "14" ], [ 15, "15" ], [ 16, "16" ], [ 17, "17" ], [ 18, "18" ], [ 19, "19" ], [ 20, "20" ], [ 21, "21" ], [ 22, "22" ], [ 23, "23" ], [ 24, "24" ], [ 25, "25" ], [ 26, "26" ], [ 27, "27" ], [ 28, "28" ], [ 29, "29" ], [ 30, "30" ], [ 31, "31" ], [ 32, "32" ], [ 33, "33" ], [ 34, "34" ], [ 35, "35" ], [ 36, "36" ], [ 37, "37" ], [ 38, "38" ], [ 39, "39" ], [ 40, "40" ], [ 41, "41" ], [ 42, "42" ], [ 43, "43" ], [ 44, "44" ], [ 45, "45" ], [ 46, "46" ], [ 47, "47" ], [ 48, "48" ], [ 49, "49" ], [ 50, "50" ] ], "default": null, "description": "Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the Y scale" }, "include_time": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Include Time", "description": "Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section", "default": false }, "show_perc": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show percentage", "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Whether to include the percentage in the tooltip", "default": true }, "bar_stacked": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Stacked Bars", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": null }, "pivot_margins": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show totals", "renderTrigger": false, "default": true, "description": "Display total row/column" }, "show_markers": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show Markers", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Show data points as circle markers on the lines" }, "show_bar_value": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Bar Values", "default": false, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Show the value on top of the bar" }, "order_bars": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Sort Bars", "default": false, "description": "Sort bars by x labels." }, "combine_metric": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Combine Metrics", "default": false, "description": "Display metrics side by side within each column, as opposed to each column being displayed side by side for each metric." }, "show_controls": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Extra Controls", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls include things like making mulitBar charts stacked or side by side." }, "reduce_x_ticks": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Reduce X ticks", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Reduces the number of X axis ticks to be rendered. If true, the x axis wont overflow and labels may be missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied to columns and the width may overflow into an horizontal scroll." }, "include_series": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Include Series", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Include series name as an axis" }, "secondary_metric": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Color Metric", "default": null, "description": "A metric to use for color" }, "select_country": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Country Name", "default": "France", "choices": [ [ "Belgium", "Belgium" ], [ "Brazil", "Brazil" ], [ "China", "China" ], [ "Egypt", "Egypt" ], [ "France", "France" ], [ "Germany", "Germany" ], [ "Italy", "Italy" ], [ "Morocco", "Morocco" ], [ "Netherlands", "Netherlands" ], [ "Russia", "Russia" ], [ "Singapore", "Singapore" ], [ "Spain", "Spain" ], [ "Uk", "Uk" ], [ "Ukraine", "Ukraine" ], [ "Usa", "Usa" ] ], "description": "The name of country that Superset should display" }, "country_fieldtype": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Country Field Type", "default": "cca2", "choices": [ [ "name", "Full name" ], [ "cioc", "code International Olympic Committee (cioc)" ], [ "cca2", "code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)" ], [ "cca3", "code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)" ] ], "description": "The country code standard that Superset should expect to find in the [country] column" }, "freq": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Frequency", "default": "W-MON", "freeForm": true, "clearable": false, "choices": [ [ "AS", "Year (freq=AS)" ], [ "52W-MON", "52 weeks starting Monday (freq=52W-MON)" ], [ "W-SUN", "1 week starting Sunday (freq=W-SUN)" ], [ "W-MON", "1 week starting Monday (freq=W-MON)" ], [ "D", "Day (freq=D)" ], [ "4W-MON", "4 weeks (freq=4W-MON)" ] ], "description": "The periodicity over which to pivot time. Users can provide\n \"Pandas\" offset alias.\n Click on the info bubble for more details on accepted \"freq\" expressions." }, "groupby": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "Group by", "default": [], "includeTime": false, "description": "One or many controls to group by", "valueKey": "column_name" }, "dimension": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": false, "label": "Dimension", "default": null, "includeTime": false, "description": "Select a dimension", "valueKey": "column_name" }, "columns": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "Columns", "default": [], "includeTime": false, "description": "One or many controls to pivot as columns", "valueKey": "column_name" }, "all_columns": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "Columns", "default": [], "description": "Columns to display" }, "longitude": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Longitude", "default": 1, "validators": [ null ], "description": "Select the longitude column" }, "latitude": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Latitude", "default": 1, "validators": [ null ], "description": "Select the latitude column" }, "all_columns_x": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "X", "default": null, "description": "Columns to display" }, "all_columns_y": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Y", "default": null, "description": "Columns to display" }, "druid_time_origin": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Origin", "choices": [ [ "", "default" ], [ "now", "now" ] ], "default": null, "description": "Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in `now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`" }, "bottom_margin": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Bottom Margin", "choices": [ [ "auto", "auto" ], [ 50, "50" ], [ 75, "75" ], [ 100, "100" ], [ 125, "125" ], [ 150, "150" ], [ 200, "200" ] ], "default": "auto", "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels" }, "left_margin": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Left Margin", "choices": [ [ "auto", "auto" ], [ 50, "50" ], [ 75, "75" ], [ 100, "100" ], [ 125, "125" ], [ 150, "150" ], [ 200, "200" ] ], "default": "auto", "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels" }, "granularity": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Time Granularity", "default": "one day", "choices": [ [ "all", "all" ], [ "5 seconds", "5 seconds" ], [ "30 seconds", "30 seconds" ], [ "1 minute", "1 minute" ], [ "5 minutes", "5 minutes" ], [ "1 hour", "1 hour" ], [ "6 hour", "6 hour" ], [ "1 day", "1 day" ], [ "7 days", "7 days" ], [ "week", "week" ], [ "week_starting_sunday", "week_starting_sunday" ], [ "week_ending_saturday", "week_ending_saturday" ], [ "month", "month" ] ], "description": "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you can type and use simple natural language as in `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`" }, "domain_granularity": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Domain", "default": "month", "choices": [ [ "hour", "hour" ], [ "day", "day" ], [ "week", "week" ], [ "month", "month" ], [ "year", "year" ] ], "description": "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks" }, "subdomain_granularity": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Subdomain", "default": "day", "choices": [ [ "min", "min" ], [ "hour", "hour" ], [ "day", "day" ], [ "week", "week" ], [ "month", "month" ] ], "description": "The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain" }, "link_length": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Link Length", "default": "200", "choices": [ [ "10", "10" ], [ "25", "25" ], [ "50", "50" ], [ "75", "75" ], [ "100", "100" ], [ "150", "150" ], [ "200", "200" ], [ "250", "250" ] ], "description": "Link length in the force layout" }, "charge": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Charge", "default": "-500", "choices": [ [ "-50", "-50" ], [ "-75", "-75" ], [ "-100", "-100" ], [ "-150", "-150" ], [ "-200", "-200" ], [ "-250", "-250" ], [ "-500", "-500" ], [ "-1000", "-1000" ], [ "-2500", "-2500" ], [ "-5000", "-5000" ] ], "description": "Charge in the force layout" }, "granularity_sqla": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Time Column", "description": "The time column for the visualization. Note that you can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME column in the table. Also note that the filter below is applied against this column or expression", "clearable": false, "valueKey": "column_name" }, "time_grain_sqla": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Time Grain", "description": "The time granularity for the visualization. This applies a date transformation to alter your time column and defines a new time granularity. The options here are defined on a per database engine basis in the Superset source code." }, "resample_rule": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Resample Rule", "default": null, "choices": [ [ "", "" ], [ "1T", "1T" ], [ "1H", "1H" ], [ "1D", "1D" ], [ "7D", "7D" ], [ "1M", "1M" ], [ "1AS", "1AS" ] ], "description": "Pandas resample rule" }, "resample_how": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Resample How", "default": null, "choices": [ [ "", "" ], [ "mean", "mean" ], [ "sum", "sum" ], [ "median", "median" ] ], "description": "Pandas resample how" }, "resample_fillmethod": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Resample Fill Method", "default": null, "choices": [ [ "", "" ], [ "ffill", "ffill" ], [ "bfill", "bfill" ] ], "description": "Pandas resample fill method" }, "since": { "type": "DateFilterControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Since", "default": "7 days ago" }, "until": { "type": "DateFilterControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Until", "default": "now" }, "max_bubble_size": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Max Bubble Size", "default": "25", "choices": [ [ "5", "5" ], [ "10", "10" ], [ "15", "15" ], [ "25", "25" ], [ "50", "50" ], [ "75", "75" ], [ "100", "100" ] ] }, "whisker_options": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Whisker/outlier options", "default": "Tukey", "description": "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated.", "choices": [ [ "Tukey", "Tukey" ], [ "Min/max (no outliers)", "Min/max (no outliers)" ], [ "2/98 percentiles", "2/98 percentiles" ], [ "9/91 percentiles", "9/91 percentiles" ] ] }, "treemap_ratio": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Ratio", "isFloat": true, "default": 1.618033988749895, "description": "Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles." }, "number_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Number format", "renderTrigger": true, "default": ".3s", "choices": [ [ ".3s", ".3s | 12.3k" ], [ ".3%", ".3% | 1234543.210%" ], [ ".4r", ".4r | 12350" ], [ ".3f", ".3f | 12345.432" ], [ "+,", "+, | +12,345.4321" ], [ "$,.2f", "$,.2f | $12,345.43" ] ], "description": "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" }, "row_limit": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Row limit", "validators": [ null ], "default": null, "choices": [ [ 10, "10" ], [ 50, "50" ], [ 100, "100" ], [ 250, "250" ], [ 500, "500" ], [ 1000, "1000" ], [ 5000, "5000" ], [ 10000, "10000" ], [ 50000, "50000" ] ] }, "limit": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Series limit", "validators": [ null ], "choices": [ [ 0, "0" ], [ 5, "5" ], [ 10, "10" ], [ 25, "25" ], [ 50, "50" ], [ 100, "100" ], [ 500, "500" ] ], "default": 50, "description": "Limits the number of time series that get displayed" }, "timeseries_limit_metric": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Sort By", "default": null, "description": "Metric used to define the top series" }, "order_desc": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Sort Descending", "default": true, "description": "Whether to sort descending or ascending" }, "rolling_type": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Rolling", "default": "None", "choices": [ [ "None", "None" ], [ "mean", "mean" ], [ "sum", "sum" ], [ "std", "std" ], [ "cumsum", "cumsum" ] ], "description": "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along with the [Periods] text box" }, "multiplier": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Multiplier", "isFloat": true, "default": 1, "description": "Factor to multiply the metric by" }, "rolling_periods": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Periods", "isInt": true, "description": "Defines the size of the rolling window function, relative to the time granularity selected" }, "grid_size": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Grid Size", "renderTrigger": true, "default": 20, "isInt": true, "description": "Defines the grid size in pixels" }, "min_periods": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Min Periods", "isInt": true, "description": "The minimum number of rolling periods required to show a value. For instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days you may want your \"Min Period\" to be 7, so that all data points shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the \"ramp up\" taking place over the first 7 periods" }, "series": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Series", "default": null, "description": "Defines the grouping of entities. Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and has a legend toggle" }, "entity": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Entity", "default": null, "validators": [ null ], "description": "This defines the element to be plotted on the chart" }, "x": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "X Axis", "description": "Metric assigned to the [X] axis", "default": null, "validators": [ null ], "valueKey": "metric_name" }, "y": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Y Axis", "default": null, "validators": [ null ], "description": "Metric assigned to the [Y] axis", "valueKey": "metric_name" }, "size": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Bubble Size", "default": null, "validators": [ null ], "valueKey": "metric_name" }, "url": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "URL", "description": "The URL, this control is templated, so you can integrate {{ width }} and/or {{ height }} in your URL string.", "default": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/AdSZJzb-aX8" }, "x_axis_label": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "X Axis Label", "renderTrigger": true, "default": "" }, "y_axis_label": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Y Axis Label", "renderTrigger": true, "default": "" }, "compare_lag": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Comparison Period Lag", "isInt": true, "description": "Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against" }, "compare_suffix": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Comparison suffix", "description": "Suffix to apply after the percentage display" }, "table_timestamp_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Table Timestamp Format", "default": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "validators": [ null ], "clearable": false, "choices": [ [ "smart_date", "Adaptative formating" ], [ "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%Y | 01/14/2019" ], [ "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d | 2019-01-14" ], [ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 2019-01-14 01:32:10" ], [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S | 01:32:10" ] ], "description": "Timestamp Format" }, "series_height": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Series Height", "default": "25", "choices": [ [ "10", "10" ], [ "25", "25" ], [ "40", "40" ], [ "50", "50" ], [ "75", "75" ], [ "100", "100" ], [ "150", "150" ], [ "200", "200" ] ], "description": "Pixel height of each series" }, "page_length": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Page Length", "default": 0, "choices": [ [ 0, "0" ], [ 10, "10" ], [ 25, "25" ], [ 40, "40" ], [ 50, "50" ], [ 75, "75" ], [ 100, "100" ], [ 150, "150" ], [ 200, "200" ] ], "description": "Rows per page, 0 means no pagination" }, "x_axis_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "X Axis Format", "renderTrigger": true, "default": ".3s", "choices": [ [ ".3s", ".3s | 12.3k" ], [ ".3%", ".3% | 1234543.210%" ], [ ".4r", ".4r | 12350" ], [ ".3f", ".3f | 12345.432" ], [ "+,", "+, | +12,345.4321" ], [ "$,.2f", "$,.2f | $12,345.43" ] ], "description": "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" }, "x_axis_time_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "X Axis Format", "renderTrigger": true, "default": "smart_date", "choices": [ [ "smart_date", "Adaptative formating" ], [ "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%Y | 01/14/2019" ], [ "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d | 2019-01-14" ], [ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 2019-01-14 01:32:10" ], [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S | 01:32:10" ] ], "description": "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" }, "y_axis_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Y Axis Format", "renderTrigger": true, "default": ".3s", "choices": [ [ ".3s", ".3s | 12.3k" ], [ ".3%", ".3% | 1234543.210%" ], [ ".4r", ".4r | 12350" ], [ ".3f", ".3f | 12345.432" ], [ "+,", "+, | +12,345.4321" ], [ "$,.2f", "$,.2f | $12,345.43" ] ], "description": "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" }, "y_axis_2_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Right Axis Format", "default": ".3s", "choices": [ [ ".3s", ".3s | 12.3k" ], [ ".3%", ".3% | 1234543.210%" ], [ ".4r", ".4r | 12350" ], [ ".3f", ".3f | 12345.432" ], [ "+,", "+, | +12,345.4321" ], [ "$,.2f", "$,.2f | $12,345.43" ] ], "description": "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" }, "date_time_format": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Date Time Format", "renderTrigger": true, "default": "smart_date", "choices": [ [ "smart_date", "Adaptative formating" ], [ "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%Y | 01/14/2019" ], [ "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d | 2019-01-14" ], [ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S | 2019-01-14 01:32:10" ], [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S | 01:32:10" ] ], "description": "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" }, "markup_type": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Markup Type", "clearable": false, "choices": [ [ "markdown", "markdown" ], [ "html", "html" ] ], "default": "markdown", "validators": [ null ], "description": "Pick your favorite markup language" }, "rotation": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Rotation", "choices": [ [ "random", "random" ], [ "flat", "flat" ], [ "square", "square" ] ], "default": "random", "description": "Rotation to apply to words in the cloud" }, "line_interpolation": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Line Style", "renderTrigger": true, "choices": [ [ "linear", "linear" ], [ "basis", "basis" ], [ "cardinal", "cardinal" ], [ "monotone", "monotone" ], [ "step-before", "step-before" ], [ "step-after", "step-after" ] ], "default": "linear", "description": "Line interpolation as defined by d3.js" }, "pie_label_type": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Label Type", "default": "key", "choices": [ [ "key", "Category Name" ], [ "value", "Value" ], [ "percent", "Percentage" ], [ "key_value", "Category and Value" ], [ "key_percent", "Category and Percentage" ] ], "description": "What should be shown on the label?" }, "code": { "type": "TextAreaControl", "label": "Code", "description": "Put your code here", "default": "" }, "pandas_aggfunc": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Aggregation function", "clearable": false, "choices": [ [ "sum", "sum" ], [ "mean", "mean" ], [ "min", "min" ], [ "max", "max" ], [ "median", "median" ], [ "stdev", "stdev" ], [ "var", "var" ] ], "default": "sum", "description": "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and computing the total rows and columns" }, "size_from": { "type": "TextControl", "isInt": true, "label": "Font Size From", "default": "20", "description": "Font size for the smallest value in the list" }, "size_to": { "type": "TextControl", "isInt": true, "label": "Font Size To", "default": "150", "description": "Font size for the biggest value in the list" }, "instant_filtering": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Instant Filtering", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "Whether to apply filters as they change, or wait forusers to hit an [Apply] button" }, "extruded": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Extruded", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "Whether to make the grid 3D" }, "show_brush": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Range Filter", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Whether to display the time range interactive selector" }, "date_filter": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Date Filter", "default": false, "description": "Whether to include a time filter" }, "show_sqla_time_granularity": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show SQL Granularity Dropdown", "default": false, "description": "Check to include SQL Granularity dropdown" }, "show_sqla_time_column": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show SQL Time Column", "default": false, "description": "Check to include Time Column dropdown" }, "show_druid_time_granularity": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show Druid Granularity Dropdown", "default": false, "description": "Check to include Druid Granularity dropdown" }, "show_druid_time_origin": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show Druid Time Origin", "default": false, "description": "Check to include Time Origin dropdown" }, "show_datatable": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Data Table", "default": false, "description": "Whether to display the interactive data table" }, "include_search": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Search Box", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Whether to include a client side search box" }, "table_filter": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Table Filter", "default": false, "description": "Whether to apply filter when table cell is clicked" }, "align_pn": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Align +/-", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Whether to align the background chart for +/- values" }, "color_pn": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Color +/-", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "Whether to color +/- values" }, "show_bubbles": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show Bubbles", "default": false, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries" }, "show_legend": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Legend", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "Whether to display the legend (toggles)" }, "show_values": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Show Values", "renderTrigger": true, "default": false, "description": "Whether to display the numerical values within the cells" }, "x_axis_showminmax": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "X bounds", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis" }, "y_axis_showminmax": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Y bounds", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "Whether to display the min and max values of the Y axis" }, "rich_tooltip": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Rich Tooltip", "renderTrigger": true, "default": true, "description": "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time" }, "y_log_scale": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Y Log Scale", "default": false, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Use a log scale for the Y axis" }, "x_log_scale": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "X Log Scale", "default": false, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Use a log scale for the X axis" }, "log_scale": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Log Scale", "default": false, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Use a log scale" }, "donut": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Donut", "default": false, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Do you want a donut or a pie?" }, "labels_outside": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Put labels outside", "default": true, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Put the labels outside the pie?" }, "contribution": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Contribution", "default": false, "description": "Compute the contribution to the total" }, "num_period_compare": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Period Ratio", "default": "", "isInt": true, "description": "[integer] Number of period to compare against, this is relative to the granularity selected" }, "period_ratio_type": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Period Ratio Type", "default": "growth", "choices": [ [ "factor", "factor" ], [ "growth", "growth" ], [ "value", "value" ] ], "description": "`factor` means (new/previous), `growth` is ((new/previous) - 1), `value` is (new-previous)" }, "time_compare": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Time Shift", "default": null, "description": "Overlay a timeseries from a relative time period. Expects relative time delta in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, 56 weeks, 365 days)" }, "subheader": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Subheader", "description": "Description text that shows up below your Big Number" }, "mapbox_label": { "type": "SelectControl", "multi": true, "label": "label", "default": [], "description": "`count` is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster." }, "mapbox_style": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Map Style", "renderTrigger": true, "choices": [ [ "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "Streets" ], [ "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9", "Dark" ], [ "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "Light" ], [ "mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v9", "Satellite Streets" ], [ "mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9", "Satellite" ], [ "mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9", "Outdoors" ] ], "default": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "description": "Base layer map style" }, "clustering_radius": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "Clustering Radius", "default": "60", "choices": [ [ "0", "0" ], [ "20", "20" ], [ "40", "40" ], [ "60", "60" ], [ "80", "80" ], [ "100", "100" ], [ "200", "200" ], [ "500", "500" ], [ "1000", "1000" ] ], "description": "The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large number of points (>1000) will cause lag." }, "point_radius_fixed": { "type": "FixedOrMetricControl", "label": "Point Size", "description": "Fixed point radius" }, "point_radius": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Point Radius", "default": "Auto", "description": "The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). Either a numerical column or `Auto`, which scales the point based on the largest cluster" }, "point_radius_unit": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Point Radius Unit", "default": "Pixels", "choices": [ [ "Pixels", "Pixels" ], [ "Miles", "Miles" ], [ "Kilometers", "Kilometers" ] ], "description": "The unit of measure for the specified point radius" }, "point_unit": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Point Unit", "default": "square_m", "clearable": false, "choices": [ [ "square_m", "Square meters" ], [ "square_km", "Square kilometers" ], [ "square_miles", "Square miles" ], [ "radius_m", "Radius in meters" ], [ "radius_km", "Radius in kilometers" ], [ "radius_miles", "Radius in miles" ] ], "description": "The unit of measure for the specified point radius" }, "global_opacity": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Opacity", "default": 1, "isFloat": true, "description": "Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. Between 0 and 1." }, "viewport": { "type": "ViewportControl", "label": "Viewport", "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Parameters related to the view and perspective on the map", "default": { "longitude": 6.85236157047845, "latitude": 31.222656842808707, "zoom": 1, "bearing": 0, "pitch": 0 } }, "viewport_zoom": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Zoom", "isFloat": true, "default": 11, "description": "Zoom level of the map", "places": 8 }, "viewport_latitude": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Default latitude", "default": 37.772123, "isFloat": true, "description": "Latitude of default viewport", "places": 8 }, "viewport_longitude": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Default longitude", "default": -122.405293, "isFloat": true, "description": "Longitude of default viewport", "places": 8 }, "render_while_dragging": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Live render", "default": true, "description": "Points and clusters will update as viewport is being changed" }, "mapbox_color": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": true, "label": "RGB Color", "default": "rgb(0, 122, 135)", "choices": [ [ "rgb(0, 139, 139)", "Dark Cyan" ], [ "rgb(128, 0, 128)", "Purple" ], [ "rgb(255, 215, 0)", "Gold" ], [ "rgb(69, 69, 69)", "Dim Gray" ], [ "rgb(220, 20, 60)", "Crimson" ], [ "rgb(34, 139, 34)", "Forest Green" ] ], "description": "The color for points and clusters in RGB" }, "color": { "type": "ColorPickerControl", "label": "Color", "default": { "r": 0, "g": 122, "b": 135, "a": 1 }, "description": "Pick a color" }, "ranges": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Ranges", "default": "", "description": "Ranges to highlight with shading" }, "range_labels": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Range labels", "default": "", "description": "Labels for the ranges" }, "markers": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Markers", "default": "", "description": "List of values to mark with triangles" }, "marker_labels": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Marker labels", "default": "", "description": "Labels for the markers" }, "marker_lines": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Marker lines", "default": "", "description": "List of values to mark with lines" }, "marker_line_labels": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Marker line labels", "default": "", "description": "Labels for the marker lines" }, "annotation_layers": { "type": "AnnotationLayerControl", "label": "", "default": [], "description": "Annotation Layers", "renderTrigger": true }, "slice_id": { "type": "HiddenControl", "label": "Slice ID", "hidden": true, "description": "The id of the active slice" }, "cache_timeout": { "type": "HiddenControl", "label": "Cache Timeout (seconds)", "hidden": true, "description": "The number of seconds before expiring the cache" }, "order_by_entity": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Order by entity id", "description": "Important! Select this if the table is not already sorted by entity id, else there is no guarantee that all events for each entity are returned.", "default": true }, "min_leaf_node_event_count": { "type": "SelectControl", "freeForm": false, "label": "Minimum leaf node event count", "default": 1, "choices": [ [ 1, "1" ], [ 2, "2" ], [ 3, "3" ], [ 4, "4" ], [ 5, "5" ], [ 6, "6" ], [ 7, "7" ], [ 8, "8" ], [ 9, "9" ], [ 10, "10" ] ], "description": "Leaf nodes that represent fewer than this number of events will be initially hidden in the visualization" }, "color_scheme": { "type": "ColorSchemeControl", "label": "Color Scheme", "default": "bnbColors", "renderTrigger": true, "choices": [ [ "bnbColors", "bnbColors" ], [ "d3Category10", "d3Category10" ], [ "d3Category20", "d3Category20" ], [ "d3Category20b", "d3Category20b" ], [ "d3Category20c", "d3Category20c" ], [ "googleCategory10c", "googleCategory10c" ], [ "googleCategory20c", "googleCategory20c" ], [ "lyftColors", "lyftColors" ] ], "description": "The color scheme for rendering chart", "schemes": { "bnbColors": [ "#ff5a5f", "#7b0051", "#007A87", "#00d1c1", "#8ce071", "#ffb400", "#b4a76c", "#ff8083", "#cc0086", "#00a1b3", "#00ffeb", "#bbedab", "#ffd266", "#cbc29a", "#ff3339", "#ff1ab1", "#005c66", "#00b3a5", "#55d12e", "#b37e00", "#988b4e" ], "d3Category10": [ "#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#9467bd", "#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f", "#bcbd22", "#17becf" ], "d3Category20": [ "#1f77b4", "#aec7e8", "#ff7f0e", "#ffbb78", "#2ca02c", "#98df8a", "#d62728", "#ff9896", "#9467bd", "#c5b0d5", "#8c564b", "#c49c94", "#e377c2", "#f7b6d2", "#7f7f7f", "#c7c7c7", "#bcbd22", "#dbdb8d", "#17becf", "#9edae5" ], "d3Category20b": [ "#393b79", "#5254a3", "#6b6ecf", "#9c9ede", "#637939", "#8ca252", "#b5cf6b", "#cedb9c", "#8c6d31", "#bd9e39", "#e7ba52", "#e7cb94", "#843c39", "#ad494a", "#d6616b", "#e7969c", "#7b4173", "#a55194", "#ce6dbd", "#de9ed6" ], "d3Category20c": [ "#3182bd", "#6baed6", "#9ecae1", "#c6dbef", "#e6550d", "#fd8d3c", "#fdae6b", "#fdd0a2", "#31a354", "#74c476", "#a1d99b", "#c7e9c0", "#756bb1", "#9e9ac8", "#bcbddc", "#dadaeb", "#636363", "#969696", "#bdbdbd", "#d9d9d9" ], "googleCategory10c": [ "#3366cc", "#dc3912", "#ff9900", "#109618", "#990099", "#0099c6", "#dd4477", "#66aa00", "#b82e2e", "#316395" ], "googleCategory20c": [ "#3366cc", "#dc3912", "#ff9900", "#109618", "#990099", "#0099c6", "#dd4477", "#66aa00", "#b82e2e", "#316395", "#994499", "#22aa99", "#aaaa11", "#6633cc", "#e67300", "#8b0707", "#651067", "#329262", "#5574a6", "#3b3eac" ] } }, "significance_level": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Significance Level", "default": 0.05, "description": "Threshold alpha level for determining significance" }, "pvalue_precision": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "p-value precision", "default": 6, "description": "Number of decimal places with which to display p-values" }, "liftvalue_precision": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Lift percent precision", "default": 4, "description": "Number of decimal places with which to display lift values" }, "column_collection": { "type": "CollectionControl", "label": "Time Series Columns", "validators": [ null ], "controlName": "TimeSeriesColumnControl" }, "time_series_option": { "type": "SelectControl", "label": "Options", "validators": [ null ], "default": "not_time", "valueKey": "value", "options": [ { "label": "Not Time Series", "value": "not_time", "description": "Ignore time" }, { "label": "Time Series", "value": "time_series", "description": "Standard time series" }, { "label": "Aggregate Mean", "value": "agg_mean", "description": "Mean of values over specified period" }, { "label": "Aggregate Sum", "value": "agg_sum", "description": "Sum of values over specified period" }, { "label": "Difference", "value": "point_diff", "description": "Metric change in value from `since` to `until`" }, { "label": "Percent Change", "value": "point_percent", "description": "Metric percent change in value from `since` to `until`" }, { "label": "Factor", "value": "point_factor", "description": "Metric factor change from `since` to `until`" }, { "label": "Advanced Analytics", "value": "adv_anal", "description": "Use the Advanced Analytics options below" } ], "description": "Settings for time series" }, "equal_date_size": { "type": "CheckboxControl", "label": "Equal Date Sizes", "default": true, "renderTrigger": true, "description": "Check to force date partitions to have the same height" }, "partition_limit": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Partition Limit", "isInt": true, "default": "5", "description": "The maximum number of subdivisions of each group; lower values are pruned first" }, "partition_threshold": { "type": "TextControl", "label": "Partition Threshold", "isFloat": true, "default": "0.05", "description": "Partitions whose height to parent height proportions are below this value are pruned" } } }