123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308 |
- # pylint: disable=C,R,W
- """a collection of model-related helper classes and functions"""
- from datetime import datetime
- import json
- import logging
- import re
- from flask import escape, Markup
- from flask_appbuilder.models.decorators import renders
- from flask_appbuilder.models.mixins import AuditMixin
- import humanize
- import sqlalchemy as sa
- from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, UniqueConstraint
- from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
- from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound
- import yaml
- from superset.utils import QueryStatus
- def json_to_dict(json_str):
- if json_str:
- val = re.sub(',[ \t\r\n]+}', '}', json_str)
- val = re.sub(',[ \t\r\n]+\]', ']', val)
- return json.loads(val)
- else:
- return {}
- class ImportMixin(object):
- export_parent = None
- # The name of the attribute
- # with the SQL Alchemy back reference
- export_children = []
- # List of (str) names of attributes
- # with the SQL Alchemy forward references
- export_fields = []
- # The names of the attributes
- # that are available for import and export
- @classmethod
- def _parent_foreign_key_mappings(cls):
- """Get a mapping of foreign name to the local name of foreign keys"""
- parent_rel = cls.__mapper__.relationships.get(cls.export_parent)
- if parent_rel:
- return {l.name: r.name for (l, r) in parent_rel.local_remote_pairs}
- return {}
- @classmethod
- def _unique_constrains(cls):
- """Get all (single column and multi column) unique constraints"""
- unique = [{c.name for c in u.columns} for u in cls.__table_args__
- if isinstance(u, UniqueConstraint)]
- unique.extend({c.name} for c in cls.__table__.columns if c.unique)
- return unique
- @classmethod
- def export_schema(cls, recursive=True, include_parent_ref=False):
- """Export schema as a dictionary"""
- parent_excludes = {}
- if not include_parent_ref:
- parent_ref = cls.__mapper__.relationships.get(cls.export_parent)
- if parent_ref:
- parent_excludes = {c.name for c in parent_ref.local_columns}
- def formatter(c):
- return ('{0} Default ({1})'.format(
- str(c.type), c.default.arg) if c.default else str(c.type))
- schema = {c.name: formatter(c) for c in cls.__table__.columns
- if (c.name in cls.export_fields and
- c.name not in parent_excludes)}
- if recursive:
- for c in cls.export_children:
- child_class = cls.__mapper__.relationships[c].argument.class_
- schema[c] = [child_class.export_schema(recursive=recursive,
- include_parent_ref=include_parent_ref)]
- return schema
- @classmethod
- def import_from_dict(cls, session, dict_rep, parent=None,
- recursive=True, sync=[]):
- """Import obj from a dictionary"""
- parent_refs = cls._parent_foreign_key_mappings()
- export_fields = set(cls.export_fields) | set(parent_refs.keys())
- new_children = {c: dict_rep.get(c) for c in cls.export_children
- if c in dict_rep}
- unique_constrains = cls._unique_constrains()
- filters = [] # Using these filters to check if obj already exists
- # Remove fields that should not get imported
- for k in list(dict_rep):
- if k not in export_fields:
- del dict_rep[k]
- if not parent:
- if cls.export_parent:
- for p in parent_refs.keys():
- if p not in dict_rep:
- raise RuntimeError(
- '{0}: Missing field {1}'.format(cls.__name__, p))
- else:
- # Set foreign keys to parent obj
- for k, v in parent_refs.items():
- dict_rep[k] = getattr(parent, v)
- # Add filter for parent obj
- filters.extend([getattr(cls, k) == dict_rep.get(k)
- for k in parent_refs.keys()])
- # Add filter for unique constraints
- ucs = [and_(*[getattr(cls, k) == dict_rep.get(k)
- for k in cs if dict_rep.get(k) is not None])
- for cs in unique_constrains]
- filters.append(or_(*ucs))
- # Check if object already exists in DB, break if more than one is found
- try:
- obj_query = session.query(cls).filter(and_(*filters))
- obj = obj_query.one_or_none()
- except MultipleResultsFound as e:
- logging.error('Error importing %s \n %s \n %s', cls.__name__,
- str(obj_query),
- yaml.safe_dump(dict_rep))
- raise e
- if not obj:
- is_new_obj = True
- # Create new DB object
- obj = cls(**dict_rep)
- logging.info('Importing new %s %s', obj.__tablename__, str(obj))
- if cls.export_parent and parent:
- setattr(obj, cls.export_parent, parent)
- session.add(obj)
- else:
- is_new_obj = False
- logging.info('Updating %s %s', obj.__tablename__, str(obj))
- # Update columns
- for k, v in dict_rep.items():
- setattr(obj, k, v)
- # Recursively create children
- if recursive:
- for c in cls.export_children:
- child_class = cls.__mapper__.relationships[c].argument.class_
- added = []
- for c_obj in new_children.get(c, []):
- added.append(child_class.import_from_dict(session=session,
- dict_rep=c_obj,
- parent=obj,
- sync=sync))
- # If children should get synced, delete the ones that did not
- # get updated.
- if c in sync and not is_new_obj:
- back_refs = child_class._parent_foreign_key_mappings()
- delete_filters = [getattr(child_class, k) ==
- getattr(obj, back_refs.get(k))
- for k in back_refs.keys()]
- to_delete = set(session.query(child_class).filter(
- and_(*delete_filters))).difference(set(added))
- for o in to_delete:
- logging.info('Deleting %s %s', c, str(obj))
- session.delete(o)
- return obj
- def export_to_dict(self, recursive=True, include_parent_ref=False,
- include_defaults=False):
- """Export obj to dictionary"""
- cls = self.__class__
- parent_excludes = {}
- if recursive and not include_parent_ref:
- parent_ref = cls.__mapper__.relationships.get(cls.export_parent)
- if parent_ref:
- parent_excludes = {c.name for c in parent_ref.local_columns}
- dict_rep = {c.name: getattr(self, c.name)
- for c in cls.__table__.columns
- if (c.name in self.export_fields and
- c.name not in parent_excludes and
- (include_defaults or (
- getattr(self, c.name) is not None and
- (not c.default or
- getattr(self, c.name) != c.default.arg))))
- }
- if recursive:
- for c in self.export_children:
- # sorting to make lists of children stable
- dict_rep[c] = sorted(
- [
- child.export_to_dict(
- recursive=recursive,
- include_parent_ref=include_parent_ref,
- include_defaults=include_defaults,
- ) for child in getattr(self, c)
- ],
- key=lambda k: sorted(k.items()))
- return dict_rep
- def override(self, obj):
- """Overrides the plain fields of the dashboard."""
- for field in obj.__class__.export_fields:
- setattr(self, field, getattr(obj, field))
- def copy(self):
- """Creates a copy of the dashboard without relationships."""
- new_obj = self.__class__()
- new_obj.override(self)
- return new_obj
- def alter_params(self, **kwargs):
- d = self.params_dict
- d.update(kwargs)
- self.params = json.dumps(d)
- @property
- def params_dict(self):
- return json_to_dict(self.params)
- @property
- def template_params_dict(self):
- return json_to_dict(self.template_params)
- class AuditMixinNullable(AuditMixin):
- """Altering the AuditMixin to use nullable fields
- Allows creating objects programmatically outside of CRUD
- """
- created_on = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, default=datetime.now, nullable=True)
- changed_on = sa.Column(
- sa.DateTime, default=datetime.now,
- onupdate=datetime.now, nullable=True)
- @declared_attr
- def created_by_fk(self): # noqa
- return sa.Column(
- sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('ab_user.id'),
- default=self.get_user_id, nullable=True)
- @declared_attr
- def changed_by_fk(self): # noqa
- return sa.Column(
- sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('ab_user.id'),
- default=self.get_user_id, onupdate=self.get_user_id, nullable=True)
- def _user_link(self, user):
- if not user:
- return ''
- url = '/superset/profile/{}/'.format(user.username)
- return Markup('<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(url, escape(user) or ''))
- def changed_by_name(self):
- if self.created_by:
- return escape('{}'.format(self.created_by))
- return ''
- @renders('created_by')
- def creator(self): # noqa
- return self._user_link(self.created_by)
- @property
- def changed_by_(self):
- return self._user_link(self.changed_by)
- @renders('changed_on')
- def changed_on_(self):
- return Markup(
- '<span class="no-wrap">{}</span>'.format(self.changed_on))
- @renders('changed_on')
- def modified(self):
- return humanize.naturaltime(datetime.now() - self.changed_on)
- @property
- def icons(self):
- return """
- <a
- href="{self.datasource_edit_url}"
- data-toggle="tooltip"
- title="{self.datasource}">
- <i class="fa fa-database"></i>
- </a>
- """.format(**locals())
- class QueryResult(object):
- """Object returned by the query interface"""
- def __init__( # noqa
- self,
- df,
- query,
- duration,
- status=QueryStatus.SUCCESS,
- error_message=None):
- self.df = df
- self.query = query
- self.duration = duration
- self.status = status
- self.error_message = error_message