123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # pylint: disable=C,R,W
- from datetime import datetime
- import logging
- from subprocess import Popen
- from sys import stdout
- import click
- from colorama import Fore, Style
- from pathlib2 import Path
- import werkzeug.serving
- import yaml
- from superset import (
- app, dashboard_import_export_util, data, db,
- dict_import_export_util, security_manager, utils,
- )
- config = app.config
- celery_app = utils.get_celery_app(config)
- def create_app(script_info=None):
- return app
- @app.shell_context_processor
- def make_shell_context():
- return dict(app=app, db=db)
- @app.cli.command()
- def init():
- """Inits the Superset application"""
- utils.get_or_create_main_db()
- security_manager.sync_role_definitions()
- def debug_run(app, port, use_reloader):
- return app.run(
- host='',
- port=int(port),
- threaded=True,
- debug=True,
- use_reloader=use_reloader)
- def console_log_run(app, port, use_reloader):
- from console_log import ConsoleLog
- from gevent import pywsgi
- from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler
- app.wsgi_app = ConsoleLog(app.wsgi_app, app.logger)
- def run():
- server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(
- ('', int(port)),
- app,
- handler_class=WebSocketHandler)
- server.serve_forever()
- if use_reloader:
- from gevent import monkey
- monkey.patch_all()
- run = werkzeug.serving.run_with_reloader(run)
- run()
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option('--debug', '-d', is_flag=True, help='Start the web server in debug mode')
- @click.option('--console-log', is_flag=True,
- help='Create logger that logs to the browser console (implies -d)')
- @click.option('--no-reload', '-n', 'use_reloader', flag_value=False,
- default=config.get('FLASK_USE_RELOAD'),
- help='Don\'t use the reloader in debug mode')
- @click.option('--address', '-a', default=config.get('SUPERSET_WEBSERVER_ADDRESS'),
- help='Specify the address to which to bind the web server')
- @click.option('--port', '-p', default=config.get('SUPERSET_WEBSERVER_PORT'),
- help='Specify the port on which to run the web server')
- @click.option('--workers', '-w', default=config.get('SUPERSET_WORKERS', 2),
- help='Number of gunicorn web server workers to fire up [DEPRECATED]')
- @click.option('--timeout', '-t', default=config.get('SUPERSET_WEBSERVER_TIMEOUT'),
- help='Specify the timeout (seconds) for the '
- 'gunicorn web server [DEPRECATED]')
- @click.option('--socket', '-s', default=config.get('SUPERSET_WEBSERVER_SOCKET'),
- help='Path to a UNIX socket as an alternative to address:port, e.g. '
- '/var/run/superset.sock. '
- 'Will override the address and port values. [DEPRECATED]')
- def runserver(debug, console_log, use_reloader, address, port, timeout, workers, socket):
- """Starts a Superset web server."""
- debug = debug or config.get('DEBUG') or console_log
- if debug:
- print(Fore.BLUE + '-=' * 20)
- print(
- Fore.YELLOW + 'Starting Superset server in ' +
- Fore.RED + 'DEBUG' +
- Fore.YELLOW + ' mode')
- print(Fore.BLUE + '-=' * 20)
- print(Style.RESET_ALL)
- if console_log:
- console_log_run(app, port, use_reloader)
- else:
- debug_run(app, port, use_reloader)
- else:
- logging.info(
- "The Gunicorn 'superset runserver' command is deprecated. Please "
- "use the 'gunicorn' command instead.")
- addr_str = ' unix:{socket} ' if socket else' {address}:{port} '
- cmd = (
- 'gunicorn '
- '-w {workers} '
- '--timeout {timeout} '
- '-b ' + addr_str +
- '--limit-request-line 0 '
- '--limit-request-field_size 0 '
- 'superset:app').format(**locals())
- print(Fore.GREEN + 'Starting server with command: ')
- print(Fore.YELLOW + cmd)
- print(Style.RESET_ALL)
- Popen(cmd, shell=True).wait()
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, help='Show extra information')
- def version(verbose):
- """Prints the current version number"""
- print(Fore.BLUE + '-=' * 15)
- print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Superset ' + Fore.CYAN + '{version}'.format(
- version=config.get('VERSION_STRING')))
- print(Fore.BLUE + '-=' * 15)
- if verbose:
- print('[DB] : ' + '{}'.format(db.engine))
- print(Style.RESET_ALL)
- def load_examples_run(load_test_data):
- print('Loading examples into {}'.format(db))
- data.load_css_templates()
- print('Loading energy related dataset')
- data.load_energy()
- print("Loading [World Bank's Health Nutrition and Population Stats]")
- data.load_world_bank_health_n_pop()
- print('Loading [Birth names]')
- data.load_birth_names()
- print('Loading [Random time series data]')
- data.load_random_time_series_data()
- print('Loading [Random long/lat data]')
- data.load_long_lat_data()
- print('Loading [Country Map data]')
- data.load_country_map_data()
- print('Loading [Multiformat time series]')
- data.load_multiformat_time_series_data()
- print('Loading [Paris GeoJson]')
- data.load_paris_iris_geojson()
- print('Loading [San Francisco population polygons]')
- data.load_sf_population_polygons()
- print('Loading [Flights data]')
- data.load_flights()
- print('Loading [BART lines]')
- data.load_bart_lines()
- print('Loading [Multi Line]')
- data.load_multi_line()
- print('Loading [Misc Charts] dashboard')
- data.load_misc_dashboard()
- if load_test_data:
- print('Loading [Unicode test data]')
- data.load_unicode_test_data()
- print('Loading DECK.gl demo')
- data.load_deck_dash()
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option('--load-test-data', '-t', is_flag=True, help='Load additional test data')
- def load_examples(load_test_data):
- """Loads a set of Slices and Dashboards and a supporting dataset """
- load_examples_run(load_test_data)
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option('--datasource', '-d', help='Specify which datasource name to load, if '
- 'omitted, all datasources will be refreshed')
- @click.option('--merge', '-m', is_flag=True, default=False,
- help='Specify using \'merge\' property during operation. '
- 'Default value is False.')
- def refresh_druid(datasource, merge):
- """Refresh druid datasources"""
- session = db.session()
- from superset.connectors.druid.models import DruidCluster
- for cluster in session.query(DruidCluster).all():
- try:
- cluster.refresh_datasources(datasource_name=datasource,
- merge_flag=merge)
- except Exception as e:
- print(
- "Error while processing cluster '{}'\n{}".format(
- cluster, str(e)))
- logging.exception(e)
- cluster.metadata_last_refreshed = datetime.now()
- print(
- 'Refreshed metadata from cluster '
- '[' + cluster.cluster_name + ']')
- session.commit()
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '--path', '-p',
- help='Path to a single JSON file or path containing multiple JSON files'
- 'files to import (*.json)')
- @click.option(
- '--recursive', '-r',
- help='recursively search the path for json files')
- def import_dashboards(path, recursive=False):
- """Import dashboards from JSON"""
- p = Path(path)
- files = []
- if p.is_file():
- files.append(p)
- elif p.exists() and not recursive:
- files.extend(p.glob('*.json'))
- elif p.exists() and recursive:
- files.extend(p.rglob('*.json'))
- for f in files:
- logging.info('Importing dashboard from file %s', f)
- try:
- with f.open() as data_stream:
- dashboard_import_export_util.import_dashboards(
- db.session, data_stream)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error('Error when importing dashboard from file %s', f)
- logging.error(e)
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '--dashboard-file', '-f', default=None,
- help='Specify the the file to export to')
- @click.option(
- '--print_stdout', '-p',
- help='Print JSON to stdout')
- def export_dashboards(print_stdout, dashboard_file):
- """Export dashboards to JSON"""
- data = dashboard_import_export_util.export_dashboards(db.session)
- if print_stdout or not dashboard_file:
- print(data)
- if dashboard_file:
- logging.info('Exporting dashboards to %s', dashboard_file)
- with open(dashboard_file, 'w') as data_stream:
- data_stream.write(data)
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '--path', '-p',
- help='Path to a single YAML file or path containing multiple YAML '
- 'files to import (*.yaml or *.yml)')
- @click.option(
- '--sync', '-s', 'sync', default='',
- help='comma seperated list of element types to synchronize '
- 'e.g. "metrics,columns" deletes metrics and columns in the DB '
- 'that are not specified in the YAML file')
- @click.option(
- '--recursive', '-r',
- help='recursively search the path for yaml files')
- def import_datasources(path, sync, recursive=False):
- """Import datasources from YAML"""
- sync_array = sync.split(',')
- p = Path(path)
- files = []
- if p.is_file():
- files.append(p)
- elif p.exists() and not recursive:
- files.extend(p.glob('*.yaml'))
- files.extend(p.glob('*.yml'))
- elif p.exists() and recursive:
- files.extend(p.rglob('*.yaml'))
- files.extend(p.rglob('*.yml'))
- for f in files:
- logging.info('Importing datasources from file %s', f)
- try:
- with f.open() as data_stream:
- dict_import_export_util.import_from_dict(
- db.session,
- yaml.safe_load(data_stream),
- sync=sync_array)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error('Error when importing datasources from file %s', f)
- logging.error(e)
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '--datasource-file', '-f', default=None,
- help='Specify the the file to export to')
- @click.option(
- '--print_stdout', '-p',
- help='Print YAML to stdout')
- @click.option(
- '--back-references', '-b',
- help='Include parent back references')
- @click.option(
- '--include-defaults', '-d',
- help='Include fields containing defaults')
- def export_datasources(print_stdout, datasource_file,
- back_references, include_defaults):
- """Export datasources to YAML"""
- data = dict_import_export_util.export_to_dict(
- session=db.session,
- recursive=True,
- back_references=back_references,
- include_defaults=include_defaults)
- if print_stdout or not datasource_file:
- yaml.safe_dump(data, stdout, default_flow_style=False)
- if datasource_file:
- logging.info('Exporting datasources to %s', datasource_file)
- with open(datasource_file, 'w') as data_stream:
- yaml.safe_dump(data, data_stream, default_flow_style=False)
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '--back-references', '-b',
- help='Include parent back references')
- def export_datasource_schema(back_references):
- """Export datasource YAML schema to stdout"""
- data = dict_import_export_util.export_schema_to_dict(
- back_references=back_references)
- yaml.safe_dump(data, stdout, default_flow_style=False)
- @app.cli.command()
- def update_datasources_cache():
- """Refresh sqllab datasources cache"""
- from superset.models.core import Database
- for database in db.session.query(Database).all():
- print('Fetching {} datasources ...'.format(database.name))
- try:
- database.all_table_names(force=True)
- database.all_view_names(force=True)
- except Exception as e:
- print('{}'.format(str(e)))
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '--workers', '-w',
- type=int,
- help='Number of celery server workers to fire up')
- def worker(workers):
- """Starts a Superset worker for async SQL query execution."""
- logging.info(
- "The 'superset worker' command is deprecated. Please use the 'celery "
- "worker' command instead.")
- if workers:
- celery_app.conf.update(CELERYD_CONCURRENCY=workers)
- elif config.get('SUPERSET_CELERY_WORKERS'):
- celery_app.conf.update(
- worker = celery_app.Worker(optimization='fair')
- worker.start()
- @app.cli.command()
- @click.option(
- '-p', '--port',
- default='5555',
- help='Port on which to start the Flower process')
- @click.option(
- '-a', '--address',
- default='localhost',
- help='Address on which to run the service')
- def flower(port, address):
- """Runs a Celery Flower web server
- Celery Flower is a UI to monitor the Celery operation on a given
- broker"""
- BROKER_URL = celery_app.conf.BROKER_URL
- cmd = (
- 'celery flower '
- '--broker={BROKER_URL} '
- '--port={port} '
- '--address={address} '
- ).format(**locals())
- logging.info(
- "The 'superset flower' command is deprecated. Please use the 'celery "
- "flower' command instead.")
- print(Fore.GREEN + 'Starting a Celery Flower instance')
- print(Fore.BLUE + '-=' * 40)
- print(Fore.YELLOW + cmd)
- print(Fore.BLUE + '-=' * 40)
- Popen(cmd, shell=True).wait()
- @app.cli.command()
- def load_test_users():
- """
- Loads admin, alpha, and gamma user for testing purposes
- Syncs permissions for those users/roles
- """
- load_test_users_run()
- def load_test_users_run():
- """
- Loads admin, alpha, and gamma user for testing purposes
- Syncs permissions for those users/roles
- """
- if config.get('TESTING'):
- security_manager.sync_role_definitions()
- gamma_sqllab_role = security_manager.add_role('gamma_sqllab')
- for perm in security_manager.find_role('Gamma').permissions:
- security_manager.add_permission_role(gamma_sqllab_role, perm)
- utils.get_or_create_main_db()
- db_perm = utils.get_main_database(security_manager.get_session).perm
- security_manager.merge_perm('database_access', db_perm)
- db_pvm = security_manager.find_permission_view_menu(
- view_menu_name=db_perm, permission_name='database_access')
- gamma_sqllab_role.permissions.append(db_pvm)
- for perm in security_manager.find_role('sql_lab').permissions:
- security_manager.add_permission_role(gamma_sqllab_role, perm)
- admin = security_manager.find_user('admin')
- if not admin:
- security_manager.add_user(
- 'admin', 'admin', ' user', 'admin@fab.org',
- security_manager.find_role('Admin'),
- password='general')
- gamma = security_manager.find_user('gamma')
- if not gamma:
- security_manager.add_user(
- 'gamma', 'gamma', 'user', 'gamma@fab.org',
- security_manager.find_role('Gamma'),
- password='general')
- gamma2 = security_manager.find_user('gamma2')
- if not gamma2:
- security_manager.add_user(
- 'gamma2', 'gamma2', 'user', 'gamma2@fab.org',
- security_manager.find_role('Gamma'),
- password='general')
- gamma_sqllab_user = security_manager.find_user('gamma_sqllab')
- if not gamma_sqllab_user:
- security_manager.add_user(
- 'gamma_sqllab', 'gamma_sqllab', 'user', 'gamma_sqllab@fab.org',
- gamma_sqllab_role, password='general')
- alpha = security_manager.find_user('alpha')
- if not alpha:
- security_manager.add_user(
- 'alpha', 'alpha', 'user', 'alpha@fab.org',
- security_manager.find_role('Alpha'),
- password='general')
- security_manager.get_session.commit()