.gitignore 822 B

  1. # Eclipse project files
  2. .project
  3. .classpath
  4. .settings
  5. # IntelliJ IDEA project files and directories
  6. *.iml
  7. *.ipr
  8. *.iws
  9. .idea/
  10. # Geany project file
  11. .geany
  12. # KDevelop project file and directory
  13. .kdev4/
  14. *.kdev4
  15. # Build targets
  16. /target
  17. */target
  18. # Report directories
  19. /reports
  20. */reports
  21. # Mac-specific directory that no other operating system needs.
  22. .DS_Store
  23. # JVM crash logs
  24. hs_err_pid*.log
  25. dependency-reduced-pom.xml
  26. */.unison.*
  27. # exclude mainframer files
  28. mainframer
  29. .mainframer
  30. # exclude docker-sync stuff
  31. .docker-sync
  32. */.docker-sync
  33. .project
  34. /target/
  35. target/
  36. .classpath
  37. .settings/
  38. META-INF/
  39. build.properties
  40. .idea/
  41. src/target/
  42. .DS_Store
  43. *.iml
  44. */target/
  45. *.class
  46. *.log
  47. tools/target/
  48. *.class
  49. # Log file
  50. *.log
  51. .fbprefs
  52. .gitattributes
  53. .github/
  54. .mvn/
  55. /oauth2-shiro-jwt/src/main/resources/application-prod.properties