using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Common.Model; using CoreEntity.Entity; using CoreEntity.ESEntity; using JCSoft.WX.Framework.Api; using MemberWeb.Commonss; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; using PublicLibrary.Model; using SupplierWeb.Commonss; using ZcPeng.PublicLibrary; using Num = CoreEntity.ESEntity.Num; namespace SupplierWeb.Controllers { [Route("web/ES_DataStais")] public class ES_DataStaisController : BaseController { public ES_DataStaisController(IMemoryCache cache, IApiClient client) : base(cache, client) { } public IActionResult Index() { return View(); } [HttpPost] [Route("index")] public ActionResult index([FromBody]dynamic data, QueryFilter[] filters,string sortField, Int32 sortDirection, Int32 pageIndex, Int32 pageSize,string scrollId) { int start = 0; string filter = ""; string redisKey = "1_redis_stais";//缓存Key Object query = null; DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()); string orderStr = "{\"ym"+ dateTime.AddDays(-60).ToString("yyyyMM") + ".RM\":{\"order\":\"desc\"}}"; if (data != null) { filters = data.filters.ToObject(); pageIndex = data.pageIndex; pageSize = data.pageSize; sortField = data.sortField; sortDirection = data.sortDirection; } string dslStr = "\"query\":{ \"bool\": { \"must\": { \"exists\": {\"field\": \"F1*\"}}}}"; string dslCount = "\"_source\":{\"include\":[\" * \"]}"; string totalStr = "";//按选择月份.统计 string totalRing = "";//用户选择平台 //拼接组装dsl条件 if (filters != null && filters.Length > 0) { string str = ""; foreach (var item in filters) { if (item.field.Contains("tagKey")) { if (item.field == "tagKey1" || item.field == "tagKey3") { if (item.field == "tagKey1") { item.value = "ym" + item.value.Replace("-", ""); str += "{ \"exists\": {\"field\": \"" + item.value + "\"}},"; redisKey += item.value;//时间 totalStr = item.value; } else { var key1 = item.value.Split(","); foreach (string tag in key1) { str += "{ \"exists\": {\"field\": \"OriginType-" + tag + "\"}},"; redisKey += tag; } totalRing = item.value;//平台 } } else { var key0 = item.value.Split(","); foreach (string tag in key0) { str += "{\"nested\": {\"path\":\"Tags\",\"query\": {\"bool\": {\"must\": [{\"match\": {\"Tags.TagId\":" + tag + "}}]}}}},"; redisKey += tag; } ; } } else { if (item.value!=""&&item.value.Length>0) { str += "{\"match_phrase\": { \""+item.field+"\": \""+item.value+"\"}},"; redisKey +=item.value; } } } if (str != "" && str.Length > 0) { dslStr = "\"query\": {\"bool\": {\"should\": [" + str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1) + "]}}"; dslCount = "\"query\": {\"bool\": {\"should\": [" + str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1) + "]}}"; } } if (filters != null && filters.Length > 0 && filters[0].field.Equals("scrollId")) { scrollId = filters[0].value; } string redisKey1 = redisKey; //排序 string direct = "desc"; if (data.sortDirection != 1) { direct = "asc"; } if (sortField != null && (sortField.Equals("M1")|| sortField.Equals("F1"))) { orderStr = "{\"" + sortField + "\":{\"order\":\"" + direct + "\"}}"; redisKey1 += sortField + direct; } if (data.pageIndex == 1) { start = 0; } else { start = ((data.pageIndex - 1) * data.pageSize) + 1; } //数据列表 redisKey1 += Convert.ToString(start); string jsonTag = ""; string sqlTag = RedisUtil.getRedisEsUtils(redisKey1 + "_6");//获取缓存 if (start >= 10000) { if (scrollId != null && scrollId.Length > 0) {//游标继续获取 jsonTag = "{\"scroll_id\": \""+ scrollId + "\"}"; sqlTag = Util.ElasticQuery("mem_repurchaseinfo/_search?scroll=2m", "POST", jsonTag); } else {//初始获取数据scroll_id jsonTag = "{" + dslStr + ",\"sort\":[" + orderStr + "],\"size\": " + data.pageSize + "}"; sqlTag = Util.ElasticQuery("mem_repurchaseinfo/_search?scroll=2m", "POST", jsonTag); } } else { if (sqlTag == null || sqlTag.Length <= 0) { jsonTag = "{" + dslStr + ",\"sort\":[" + orderStr + "],\"from\":" + start + ",\"size\": " + data.pageSize + "}"; //没有缓存,加入缓存 sqlTag = Util.ElasticQuery("mem_repurchaseinfo/_search?format=json", "POST", jsonTag); RedisUtil.addRedisEsUtils(sqlTag, redisKey1 + "_6");//加入缓存 } } Root stobj = EsCommon.FromJSON>(sqlTag); //屏蔽4位 stobj.hits.hits.ForEach(x => { string MemPhone = getPhoneDesEncrypt(x._id.Trim()); x._source._id = MemPhone; x._source.AConsigneePhone2 = MemPhone.Substring(0, 3)+"****"+ MemPhone.Substring(MemPhone.Length-4, 4); x._source.M1 = Convert.ToDouble(x._source.M1)/100; }); List _source = new List(); _source = stobj.hits.hits.Select(x => x._source).ToList(); DateTime endTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString()); _source.ForEach(x => { dynamic age = x.age; string age1 =JsonConvert.SerializeObject(age); if (age1 != null&& !age1.Contains("null")) { DateTime startTime = Convert.ToDateTime(age1.Replace("\"", "")); x.age = CalculateAge(startTime, endTime); } else { x.age = "0"; } }); string sqlTag2=RedisUtil.getRedisEsUtils(redisKey);//获取缓存 if (sqlTag2==null || sqlTag2.Length<=0) {//没有缓存,加入缓存 string F = "F1"; string M = "M1"; if (totalStr.Length > 0) { F = totalStr + ".RN"; M = totalStr + ".RM"; } string msum = ",\"M_COUNT\": {\"cardinality\": {\"field\": \"_id\"}},\"M_COUNTS\": {\"filter\":{ \"range\":{ \"" + F + "\":{\"gte\": \"2\"} }},\"aggs\":{\"M_COUNTS\":{\"cardinality\":{\"field\":\"_id\"}} }}"; //获取统计数据 string sumStr = "\"F_SUMS\": {\"filter\":{ \"range\":{ \"" + F + "\":{\"gte\": \"2\"} }},\"aggs\":{\"F_SUMS\":{\"sum\":{\"field\":\"" + F + "\"}} }},\"M_SUMS\": {\"filter\":{ \"range\":{ \"" + F + "\":{\"gte\": \"2\"} }},\"aggs\":{\"M_SUMS\":{\"sum\":{\"field\":\"" + M + "\"}} }}"; jsonTag = "{" + dslCount + ",\"aggs\": {\"F_SUM\": {\"sum\": {\"field\": \"" + F + "\"}},\"M_SUM\": {\"sum\": {\"field\": \"" + M + "\"}}," + sumStr + msum + "},\"size\": 0}"; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--" + jsonTag); sqlTag2 = Util.ElasticQuery("mem_repurchaseinfo/_search?format=json", "POST", jsonTag); RedisUtil.addRedisEsUtils(sqlTag2, redisKey);//加入缓存 } Root stobj2 = EsCommon.FromJSON>(sqlTag2); //总数 long totalcount =; var jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_source); var jsonSum= JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stobj2.aggregations); dynamic agger = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonSum); dynamic agerTotle = agger.M_COUNT.value; string agertl = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(agerTotle); if (agertl != null && !agertl.Contains("null")) { totalcount = Convert.ToInt64(agertl); } return Json( new { items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData), totalCount = totalcount, jsonSum= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonSum), _scroll_id = stobj._scroll_id }); } //计算年龄 public static int CalculateAge(DateTime birthDate, DateTime now) { int age = now.Year - birthDate.Year; if (now.Month < birthDate.Month || (now.Month == birthDate.Month && now.Day < birthDate.Day)) { age--; } if (age >= 100) { age = 0; } else if (age<=0) { age = 0; } return age; } //解密 public static string getPhoneDesEncrypt(string MemPhone) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string result; List parameters = new List(); bool success = DataAccess.GetValuesV2("select (dbo.DesDecryptFixKey('123456','123456e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e','"+ MemPhone + "')) as phone ", ref dt, parameters.ToArray(), out result); if (dt.Rows.Count>0) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; MemPhone = Convert.ToString(dr["phone"]); } return MemPhone; } //加密 public static string getPhoneEncDesrypt(string MemPhone) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string result; List parameters = new List(); bool success = DataAccess.GetValuesV2("select (dbo.DesEncryptFixKey('123456','123456e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e','" + MemPhone + "')) as phone ", ref dt, parameters.ToArray(), out result); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; MemPhone = Convert.ToString(dr["phone"]); } return MemPhone; } /// /// 会员统计 /// /// /// /// [HttpGet] [Route("memCount")] public ActionResult memCount(string tagKey,string zKey,string sexkey) { string sqlStr = ""; string memKey = "redis_mem";//性别缓存Key if (tagKey!=null && !tagKey .Equals("0")) { List _sourceTag=ES_UsageMemberController.TagIDList(tagKey);//获取标签会员 string countstr = ""; foreach (mem_MemberTag memtag in _sourceTag) { countstr += "'"+memtag.MemberPhone + "',"; memKey += memtag.MemberPhone; } sqlStr = sqlStr + " and MemPhone2 IN(" + countstr.Substring(0, countstr.Length - 1) + ")"; } if (zKey!=null && !zKey.Equals("0")) { sqlStr = sqlStr + " and OriginType IN(" + zKey + ")"; memKey += zKey; } if (sexkey!=null) { sqlStr = sqlStr + " and MemberGender ="+ sexkey; memKey += sexkey; } //性别 var jsonStr = RedisUtil.getRedisEsUtils("2_sex"+memKey); if (jsonStr==null|| jsonStr.Length<=0) {//缓存 var sexStr = "{\"query\":\"" + "select MemberGender,count(MemUsualPhone) as cn from crm_memberbase_phoneid where 1=1 " + sqlStr + " group by MemberGender\"}"; jsonStr = Util.ElasticQuery("_xpack/sql?format=json", "POST", sexStr); RedisUtil.addRedisEsUtils(jsonStr, "2_sex" + memKey); } //根据地区获取会员 var str= RedisUtil.getRedisEsUtils("2_are" + memKey); if (str==null||str.Length<=0) {//缓存 var json = "{\"query\":\"" + "select MemUsualProvinceCode,count(MemUsualPhone) as cn from crm_memberbase_phoneid where 1=1 " + sqlStr + " group by MemUsualProvinceCode ORDER BY cn desc\"}"; str = Util.ElasticQuery("_xpack/sql?format=json", "POST", json); RedisUtil.addRedisEsUtils(str, "2_are" + memKey); } var sexJson = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr); var jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(str); //获取省级 var resultCate = Util.SqlQuery("select* from areamap where Level = 1 "); Dictionary map = new Dictionary(); var listRow = new List(); foreach (var cate in resultCate.GetValue("rows")) { if (map.ContainsKey(cate[2].ToString()) == false) { map.Add(cate[2].ToString(), cate[0].ToString()); } } foreach (var prod in jo.GetValue("rows")) { var row = new string[3]; if (map.ContainsKey(prod[0].ToString())) { row[2] = prod[0].ToString(); row[1] = prod[1].ToString(); row[0] = map[prod[0].ToString()]; listRow.Add(row); } } var listJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listRow); return Json( new { itmes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(listJson), sexjson = sexJson.GetValue("rows") }); } //获取新增会员统计 [HttpGet] [Route("memDay")] public ActionResult memDay(string mDay) { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()); DateTime date1 = dateTime.AddDays(-1); string sqlStr =" and RegisterTime <='" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "'"; //指定几天前的时间 if (mDay != null) { DateTime date = dateTime.AddDays(-Convert.ToDouble(mDay)); sqlStr += " and RegisterTime >='" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "'"; } else { DateTime date = dateTime.AddDays(-15); sqlStr += " and RegisterTime >='" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "'"; } var dayStr = "{\"query\":\"" + "select HISTOGRAM(RegisterTime, INTERVAL 1 DAYS) AS h,count(*) as cn from crm_memberbase_phoneid where 1=1 "+sqlStr+" group by h ORDER BY h desc\"}"; var jsonStr = Util.ElasticQuery("_xpack/sql?format=json", "POST", dayStr); var dayJson = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr); return Json( new { dayJson = dayJson.GetValue("rows") }); } [HttpGet] [Route("orderProvCount")] public ActionResult orderProvCount(string tagKey, string zKey) { string str1 = ""; string redisKey = "3_order_prov"; if (zKey != null)//日期 { if (!zKey.Equals("0")) { zKey = "ym" + zKey.Replace("-", ""); str1 = "{ \"exists\": {\"field\": \"" + zKey + "\"}}"; redisKey += zKey; } } var jsonStr = RedisUtil.getRedisEsUtils(redisKey); if (jsonStr == null || jsonStr.Length <= 0) {//缓存 if (str1 != null && str1.Length > 0) { str1 = ",\"filter\":" + str1; } var dayStr = "{\"query\":\"select LEFT(RegionCode,2) AS c, count(distinct id) as cn from mem_repurchaseinfo group by c\"" + str1 + "}"; jsonStr = Util.ElasticQuery("_xpack/sql?format=json", "POST", dayStr); RedisUtil.addRedisEsUtils(jsonStr, redisKey); } var jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonStr); //获取省级 var resultCate = Util.SqlQuery("select* from areamap where Level = 1 "); Dictionary map = new Dictionary(); var listRow = new List(); foreach (var cate in resultCate.GetValue("rows")) { if (map.ContainsKey(cate[2].ToString()) == false) { map.Add(cate[2].ToString(), cate[0].ToString()); } } foreach (var prod in jo.GetValue("rows")) { var row = new string[3]; if (map.ContainsKey(prod[0].ToString() + "0000")) { row[2] = prod[0].ToString() + "0000"; row[1] = prod[1].ToString(); row[0] = map[prod[0].ToString() + "0000"]; listRow.Add(row); } } var listJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listRow); return Json( new { listJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(listJson) }); } /// /// 订单统计 /// /// /// /// [HttpGet] [Route("orderCount")] public ActionResult orderCount(string tagKey,string zKey) { string str = ""; string str1 = ""; string dateStr = ""; if (tagKey != null)//平台 { var key1 = tagKey.Split(","); if (!key1[0].Equals("0")) { foreach (string tag in key1) { str += tag + ","; } str = " and OriginType in ("+ str .Substring(0,str.Length-1)+ ") "; } } if (zKey != null)//日期 { if (!zKey.Equals("0")) { var datasp = zKey.Split("-"); int dayCount = getSurplusDays(Convert.ToInt32(datasp[0]), Convert.ToInt32(datasp[1]));//本月天数 dateStr = " and OrderTime>= '"+ zKey + "-01 00:00:00' and OrderTime<='"+ zKey + "-"+Convert.ToString(dayCount) +" 23:59:59'"; } } string commandText = " select a.fsm,a.fcn,, from ( "+ " select SUM(Sum/ 100.0) as fsm,toInt64(COUNT(1)) as fcn ,1 as cid from Orders WHERE AConsigneePhone2 global in " + " (select AConsigneePhone2 from Orders WHERE OrderStatus not in(0, 100, 200) and IsReturn = 0 "+ " AND RIGHT(OrdersCode,2) <> 'BF' group by AConsigneePhone2 having count(AConsigneePhone2) > 1) "+ dateStr+ str+ " ) a FULL JOIN " + "(SELECT SUM(Sum / 100) as sm, toInt64(COUNT(1)) as cn, 1 as cid FROM Orders WHERE OrderStatus not in (0, 100, 200) and IsReturn = 0 " + dateStr + str + " )b " + " ON a.cid = b.cid FORMAT JSON "; var dugObj = ClickHouseUtil.HttpClickHouseGet(commandText); var obj = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(dugObj); dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Convert.ToString(obj.GetValue("data"))); dynamic sm = data[0].sm; string sm1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sm); dynamic cn = data[0].cn; string cn1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cn).Replace("\"",""); dynamic fsm = data[0].fsm; string fsm1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fsm); dynamic fcn = data[0].fcn; string fcn1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fcn).Replace("\"", ""); Object query = new { sm = sm1, cn=cn1, fsm=fsm1, fcn=fcn1 }; //更改es数据 return Json( new { jsonSum = query }); } /// /// 获取最近销售 /// /// /// [HttpGet] [Route("orderDay")] public ActionResult orderDay(string mDay) { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString()); DateTime date = dateTime.AddDays(-16); DateTime date1 = dateTime.AddDays(-1); //指定几天前的时间 if (mDay != null) { date = dateTime.AddDays(-Convert.ToDouble(mDay)); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string result; List parameters = new List(); IList permss = new List(0); //终端 string commandText3 = " select COUNT(DISTINCT o.OrdersCode) AS orCnt,CONVERT(varchar(100), o.CreationDate, 23) AS orDate,Sum(CONVERT(bigint, p.MarketPrice) * CONVERT(bigint, p.Amount)) AS orSum FROM Orders o LEFT JOIN OrderProducts p ON p.OrdersCode=o.OrdersCode WHERE" + " o.CreationDate>='"+ date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND o.CreationDate<='" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND p.CreationDate>='"+ date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND p.CreationDate<='" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(100), o.CreationDate, 23) order by CONVERT(varchar(100), o.CreationDate, 23)"; bool success = DataAccess.GetValuesV2(commandText3, ref dt, parameters.ToArray(), out result); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { permss = ModelConvertHelper.ConvertToModel(dt); } var jsonSum = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(permss); return Json( new { jsonSum = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonSum) }); } /// /// 复购月份导出 /// /// /// [HttpGet] [Route("memorderExport")] public ActionResult memorderExport([FromServices]IHostingEnvironment env, string staffId) { IList> _sourceCount = new List>(); string sqlEs = ""; Int32 monthFirstday = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM")); MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream();//创建表 var wor = new HSSFWorkbook(); var sheet = wor.CreateSheet(); var shea = sheet.CreateRow(0);//1行 int Index = 1; int staprice = 0;//金额区间 int endprice = 1000; shea.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("下单用户/复购用户"); for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) {//首行金额 shea.CreateCell(j + 1).SetCellValue(staprice + "<¥≤" + endprice); staprice += 1000; if (staprice >= 10000) { endprice += 1000000; } else { endprice += 1000; } } for (int i = 1; i < monthFirstday; i++) { staprice = 0;//金额区间 endprice = 1000; var newRow = sheet.CreateRow(i);//月度行 newRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + Convert.ToString(i));//列 for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) { newRow.CreateCell(j+1).SetCellValue(j);//列 string dayStr = Convert.ToString(i); if (dayStr.Length < 2) { dayStr = "0" + dayStr; } sqlEs = "{\"query\":{\"range\":{\"ym" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + dayStr + ".RM\":{\"gt\":" + (staprice * 100) + ",\"lte\":" + (endprice * 100) + "}}},\"aggs\":{\"mCount\":{\"cardinality\":{\"field\":\"_id\"}},\"count\":{\"filter\":{\"range\":{\"ym" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + dayStr + ".RN\":{\"gte\":\"2\"}}},\"aggs\":{\"fCount\":{\"cardinality\":{\"field\":\"_id\"}}}}},\"size\":0}"; staprice += 1000; if (staprice>=10000) { endprice += 1000000; } else { endprice += 1000; } var memstr = Util.ElasticQuery("mem_repurchaseinfo/_search?format=json", "POST", sqlEs); Root stobj2 = EsCommon.FromJSON>(memstr); //总数 var jsonSum = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stobj2.aggregations); dynamic agger = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonSum); dynamic mCount = agger.mCount.value; dynamic fCount = agger.count.doc_count; string mCount1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mCount); string fCount1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fCount); newRow.CreateCell(j+1).SetCellValue(mCount1 + "/" + fCount1); } } wor.Write(m); m.Flush(); m.Position = 0; sheet = null; shea = null; wor = null; return File(m, "application/ms-excel", "下单统计"+DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddHHmmss") + ".xls"); } [HttpGet] [Route("getPhoneencDes")] public string getPhoneencDes(string staffId,string desPhone) { if (desPhone!=null) { desPhone = getPhoneEncDesrypt(desPhone); } return desPhone; } public static int getSurplusDays(int year, int month) { int days = 0; if (month != 2) { switch (month) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: days = 31; break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: days = 30; break; } } else { // 闰年 if (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0) days = 29; else days = 28; } return days; } } }