jquery-ace ========== Adapter to use Ace with jQuery. This jquery plugin allows for easy replacement of a textarea with an Ace editor instance (http://ace.ajax.org/) Simply include ace and jquery, then intialize an editor by calling: $(selector).ace(); Optionally pass in a configuration object. The default looks as follows: { 'mode' : 'html', 'tabSize' : 4, 'softTabs' : true, 'highlightActiveLine' : true, 'idPostfix' : '__ace', 'toolbarCallback' : null, 'wrapperClass' : 'jquery-ace-wrapper' } If you supply set toolbarCallback to a function, the function will be called with 2 arguments: - the div where the toolbar should be created - the ACE editor instance. For meaning of most configuration parameters check the ace documentation (http://ace.ajax.org/#nav=howto) On instantiation the plugin creates 3 divs:
before: - root - textarea after:
root - textarea[hidden] - div (class = wrapperClass) - [div toolbarWrapper] - div editorWrapper (id = textarea.id + idPostfix) An id on the textarea is, at this time, a hard requirement! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This is my first jquery plugin, so check the code carefully, it might contain bugs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This plugin was created for LimeSurvey, where we use the following basic toolbar: function createToolbar(element, editor) { element.css('background-color', '#F0F0F0'); element.css('padding', '5px'); element.css('text-align', 'center'); $('