# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: disable=C,R,W """Utility functions used across Superset""" import decimal import errno import functools import json import logging import os import signal import smtplib import traceback import uuid import zlib from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate from enum import Enum from time import struct_time from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union from urllib.parse import unquote_plus import bleach import markdown as md import numpy as np import pandas as pd import parsedatetime import sqlalchemy as sa from dateutil.parser import parse from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from flask import current_app, flash, Flask, g, Markup, render_template from flask_appbuilder import SQLA from flask_appbuilder.security.sqla.models import User from flask_babel import gettext as __, lazy_gettext as _ from sqlalchemy import event, exc, select, Text from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import MEDIUMTEXT from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import Variant from sqlalchemy.types import TEXT, TypeDecorator from superset.exceptions import SupersetException, SupersetTimeoutException from superset.utils.dates import datetime_to_epoch, EPOCH try: from pydruid.utils.having import Having except ImportError: pass logging.getLogger("MARKDOWN").setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DTTM_ALIAS = "__timestamp" ADHOC_METRIC_EXPRESSION_TYPES = {"SIMPLE": "SIMPLE", "SQL": "SQL"} JS_MAX_INTEGER = 9007199254740991 # Largest int Java Script can handle 2^53-1 try: # Having might not have been imported. class DimSelector(Having): def __init__(self, **args): # Just a hack to prevent any exceptions Having.__init__(self, type="equalTo", aggregation=None, value=None) self.having = { "having": { "type": "dimSelector", "dimension": args["dimension"], "value": args["value"], } } except NameError: pass def flasher(msg, severity=None): """Flask's flash if available, logging call if not""" try: flash(msg, severity) except RuntimeError: if severity == "danger": logger.error(msg) else: logger.info(msg) class _memoized: """Decorator that caches a function's return value each time it is called If called later with the same arguments, the cached value is returned, and not re-evaluated. Define ``watch`` as a tuple of attribute names if this Decorator should account for instance variable changes. """ def __init__(self, func, watch=()): self.func = func self.cache = {} self.is_method = False self.watch = watch def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): key = [args, frozenset(kwargs.items())] if self.is_method: key.append(tuple([getattr(args[0], v, None) for v in self.watch])) key = tuple(key) if key in self.cache: return self.cache[key] try: value = self.func(*args, **kwargs) self.cache[key] = value return value except TypeError: # uncachable -- for instance, passing a list as an argument. # Better to not cache than to blow up entirely. return self.func(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): """Return the function's docstring.""" return self.func.__doc__ def __get__(self, obj, objtype): if not self.is_method: self.is_method = True """Support instance methods.""" return functools.partial(self.__call__, obj) def memoized(func=None, watch=None): if func: return _memoized(func) else: def wrapper(f): return _memoized(f, watch) return wrapper def parse_js_uri_path_item( item: Optional[str], unquote: bool = True, eval_undefined: bool = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Parse a uri path item made with js. :param item: a uri path component :param unquote: Perform unquoting of string using urllib.parse.unquote_plus() :param eval_undefined: When set to True and item is either 'null' or 'undefined', assume item is undefined and return None. :return: Either None, the original item or unquoted item """ item = None if eval_undefined and item in ("null", "undefined") else item return unquote_plus(item) if unquote and item else item def string_to_num(s: str): """Converts a string to an int/float Returns ``None`` if it can't be converted >>> string_to_num('5') 5 >>> string_to_num('5.2') 5.2 >>> string_to_num(10) 10 >>> string_to_num(10.1) 10.1 >>> string_to_num('this is not a string') is None True """ if isinstance(s, (int, float)): return s if s.isdigit(): return int(s) try: return float(s) except ValueError: return None def list_minus(l: List, minus: List) -> List: """Returns l without what is in minus >>> list_minus([1, 2, 3], [2]) [1, 3] """ return [o for o in l if o not in minus] def parse_human_datetime(s): """ Returns ``datetime.datetime`` from human readable strings >>> from datetime import date, timedelta >>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta >>> parse_human_datetime('2015-04-03') datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 3, 0, 0) >>> parse_human_datetime('2/3/1969') datetime.datetime(1969, 2, 3, 0, 0) >>> parse_human_datetime('now') <= datetime.now() True >>> parse_human_datetime('yesterday') <= datetime.now() True >>> date.today() - timedelta(1) == parse_human_datetime('yesterday').date() True >>> year_ago_1 = parse_human_datetime('one year ago').date() >>> year_ago_2 = (datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=1) ).date() >>> year_ago_1 == year_ago_2 True """ if not s: return None try: dttm = parse(s) except Exception: try: cal = parsedatetime.Calendar() parsed_dttm, parsed_flags = cal.parseDT(s) # when time is not extracted, we 'reset to midnight' if parsed_flags & 2 == 0: parsed_dttm = parsed_dttm.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) dttm = dttm_from_timetuple(parsed_dttm.utctimetuple()) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise ValueError("Couldn't parse date string [{}]".format(s)) return dttm def dttm_from_timetuple(d: struct_time) -> datetime: return datetime(d.tm_year, d.tm_mon, d.tm_mday, d.tm_hour, d.tm_min, d.tm_sec) class DashboardEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sort_keys = True # pylint: disable=E0202 def default(self, o): try: vals = {k: v for k, v in o.__dict__.items() if k != "_sa_instance_state"} return {"__{}__".format(o.__class__.__name__): vals} except Exception: if type(o) == datetime: return {"__datetime__": o.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()} return json.JSONEncoder(sort_keys=True).default(self, o) def parse_human_timedelta(s: Optional[str]) -> timedelta: """ Returns ``datetime.datetime`` from natural language time deltas >>> parse_human_datetime('now') <= datetime.now() True """ cal = parsedatetime.Calendar() dttm = dttm_from_timetuple(datetime.now().timetuple()) d = cal.parse(s or "", dttm)[0] d = datetime(d.tm_year, d.tm_mon, d.tm_mday, d.tm_hour, d.tm_min, d.tm_sec) return d - dttm def parse_past_timedelta(delta_str: str) -> timedelta: """ Takes a delta like '1 year' and finds the timedelta for that period in the past, then represents that past timedelta in positive terms. parse_human_timedelta('1 year') find the timedelta 1 year in the future. parse_past_timedelta('1 year') returns -datetime.timedelta(-365) or datetime.timedelta(365). """ return -parse_human_timedelta( delta_str if delta_str.startswith("-") else f"-{delta_str}" ) class JSONEncodedDict(TypeDecorator): """Represents an immutable structure as a json-encoded string.""" impl = TEXT def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: value = json.dumps(value) return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value is not None: value = json.loads(value) return value def datetime_f(dttm): """Formats datetime to take less room when it is recent""" if dttm: dttm = dttm.isoformat() now_iso = datetime.now().isoformat() if now_iso[:10] == dttm[:10]: dttm = dttm[11:] elif now_iso[:4] == dttm[:4]: dttm = dttm[5:] return "{}".format(dttm) def format_timedelta(td: timedelta) -> str: """ Ensures negative time deltas are easily interpreted by humans >>> td = timedelta(0) - timedelta(days=1, hours=5,minutes=6) >>> str(td) '-2 days, 18:54:00' >>> format_timedelta(td) '-1 day, 5:06:00' """ if td < timedelta(0): return "-" + str(abs(td)) else: # Change this to format positive time deltas the way you want return str(td) def base_json_conv(obj): if isinstance(obj, memoryview): obj = obj.tobytes() if isinstance(obj, np.int64): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.bool_): return bool(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID): return str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, timedelta): return format_timedelta(obj) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): try: return obj.decode("utf-8") except Exception: return "[bytes]" def json_iso_dttm_ser(obj, pessimistic: Optional[bool] = False): """ json serializer that deals with dates >>> dttm = datetime(1970, 1, 1) >>> json.dumps({'dttm': dttm}, default=json_iso_dttm_ser) '{"dttm": "1970-01-01T00:00:00"}' """ val = base_json_conv(obj) if val is not None: return val if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date, time, pd.Timestamp)): obj = obj.isoformat() else: if pessimistic: return "Unserializable [{}]".format(type(obj)) else: raise TypeError( "Unserializable object {} of type {}".format(obj, type(obj)) ) return obj def pessimistic_json_iso_dttm_ser(obj): """Proxy to call json_iso_dttm_ser in a pessimistic way If one of object is not serializable to json, it will still succeed""" return json_iso_dttm_ser(obj, pessimistic=True) def json_int_dttm_ser(obj): """json serializer that deals with dates""" val = base_json_conv(obj) if val is not None: return val if isinstance(obj, (datetime, pd.Timestamp)): obj = datetime_to_epoch(obj) elif isinstance(obj, date): obj = (obj - EPOCH.date()).total_seconds() * 1000 else: raise TypeError("Unserializable object {} of type {}".format(obj, type(obj))) return obj def json_dumps_w_dates(payload): return json.dumps(payload, default=json_int_dttm_ser) def error_msg_from_exception(e: Exception) -> str: """Translate exception into error message Database have different ways to handle exception. This function attempts to make sense of the exception object and construct a human readable sentence. TODO(bkyryliuk): parse the Presto error message from the connection created via create_engine. engine = create_engine('presto://localhost:3506/silver') - gives an e.message as the str(dict) presto.connect('localhost', port=3506, catalog='silver') - as a dict. The latter version is parsed correctly by this function. """ msg = "" if hasattr(e, "message"): if isinstance(e.message, dict): # type: ignore msg = e.message.get("message") # type: ignore elif e.message: # type: ignore msg = e.message # type: ignore return msg or str(e) def markdown(s: str, markup_wrap: Optional[bool] = False) -> str: safe_markdown_tags = [ "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "b", "i", "strong", "em", "tt", "p", "br", "span", "div", "blockquote", "code", "hr", "ul", "ol", "li", "dd", "dt", "img", "a", ] safe_markdown_attrs = { "img": ["src", "alt", "title"], "a": ["href", "alt", "title"], } s = md.markdown( s or "", extensions=[ "markdown.extensions.tables", "markdown.extensions.fenced_code", "markdown.extensions.codehilite", ], ) s = bleach.clean(s, safe_markdown_tags, safe_markdown_attrs) if markup_wrap: s = Markup(s) return s def readfile(file_path: str) -> Optional[str]: with open(file_path) as f: content = f.read() return content def generic_find_constraint_name( table: str, columns: Set[str], referenced: str, db: SQLA ): """Utility to find a constraint name in alembic migrations""" t = sa.Table(table, db.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=db.engine) for fk in t.foreign_key_constraints: if fk.referred_table.name == referenced and set(fk.column_keys) == columns: return fk.name def generic_find_fk_constraint_name( table: str, columns: Set[str], referenced: str, insp ): """Utility to find a foreign-key constraint name in alembic migrations""" for fk in insp.get_foreign_keys(table): if ( fk["referred_table"] == referenced and set(fk["referred_columns"]) == columns ): return fk["name"] def generic_find_fk_constraint_names(table, columns, referenced, insp): """Utility to find foreign-key constraint names in alembic migrations""" names = set() for fk in insp.get_foreign_keys(table): if ( fk["referred_table"] == referenced and set(fk["referred_columns"]) == columns ): names.add(fk["name"]) return names def generic_find_uq_constraint_name(table, columns, insp): """Utility to find a unique constraint name in alembic migrations""" for uq in insp.get_unique_constraints(table): if columns == set(uq["column_names"]): return uq["name"] def get_datasource_full_name(database_name, datasource_name, schema=None): if not schema: return "[{}].[{}]".format(database_name, datasource_name) return "[{}].[{}].[{}]".format(database_name, schema, datasource_name) def validate_json(obj): if obj: try: json.loads(obj) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"JSON is not valid {e}") raise SupersetException("JSON is not valid") def table_has_constraint(table, name, db): """Utility to find a constraint name in alembic migrations""" t = sa.Table(table, db.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=db.engine) for c in t.constraints: if c.name == name: return True return False class timeout: """ To be used in a ``with`` block and timeout its content. """ def __init__(self, seconds=1, error_message="Timeout"): self.seconds = seconds self.error_message = error_message def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame): logger.error("Process timed out") raise SupersetTimeoutException(self.error_message) def __enter__(self): try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.seconds) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context") logger.exception(e) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: signal.alarm(0) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context") logger.exception(e) def pessimistic_connection_handling(some_engine): @event.listens_for(some_engine, "engine_connect") def ping_connection(connection, branch): if branch: # 'branch' refers to a sub-connection of a connection, # we don't want to bother pinging on these. return # turn off 'close with result'. This flag is only used with # 'connectionless' execution, otherwise will be False in any case save_should_close_with_result = connection.should_close_with_result connection.should_close_with_result = False try: # run a SELECT 1. use a core select() so that # the SELECT of a scalar value without a table is # appropriately formatted for the backend connection.scalar(select([1])) except exc.DBAPIError as err: # catch SQLAlchemy's DBAPIError, which is a wrapper # for the DBAPI's exception. It includes a .connection_invalidated # attribute which specifies if this connection is a 'disconnect' # condition, which is based on inspection of the original exception # by the dialect in use. if err.connection_invalidated: # run the same SELECT again - the connection will re-validate # itself and establish a new connection. The disconnect detection # here also causes the whole connection pool to be invalidated # so that all stale connections are discarded. connection.scalar(select([1])) else: raise finally: # restore 'close with result' connection.should_close_with_result = save_should_close_with_result class QueryStatus: """Enum-type class for query statuses""" STOPPED: str = "stopped" FAILED: str = "failed" PENDING: str = "pending" RUNNING: str = "running" SCHEDULED: str = "scheduled" SUCCESS: str = "success" TIMED_OUT: str = "timed_out" def notify_user_about_perm_udate(granter, user, role, datasource, tpl_name, config): msg = render_template( tpl_name, granter=granter, user=user, role=role, datasource=datasource ) logger.info(msg) subject = __( "[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted", name=datasource.full_name, ) send_email_smtp( user.email, subject, msg, config, bcc=granter.email, dryrun=not config["EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS"], ) def send_email_smtp( to, subject, html_content, config, files=None, data=None, images=None, dryrun=False, cc=None, bcc=None, mime_subtype="mixed", ): """ Send an email with html content, eg: send_email_smtp( 'test@example.com', 'foo', 'Foo bar',['/dev/null'], dryrun=True) """ smtp_mail_from = config["SMTP_MAIL_FROM"] to = get_email_address_list(to) msg = MIMEMultipart(mime_subtype) msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = smtp_mail_from msg["To"] = ", ".join(to) msg.preamble = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." recipients = to if cc: cc = get_email_address_list(cc) msg["CC"] = ", ".join(cc) recipients = recipients + cc if bcc: # don't add bcc in header bcc = get_email_address_list(bcc) recipients = recipients + bcc msg["Date"] = formatdate(localtime=True) mime_text = MIMEText(html_content, "html") msg.attach(mime_text) # Attach files by reading them from disk for fname in files or []: basename = os.path.basename(fname) with open(fname, "rb") as f: msg.attach( MIMEApplication( f.read(), Content_Disposition="attachment; filename='%s'" % basename, Name=basename, ) ) # Attach any files passed directly for name, body in (data or {}).items(): msg.attach( MIMEApplication( body, Content_Disposition="attachment; filename='%s'" % name, Name=name ) ) # Attach any inline images, which may be required for display in # HTML content (inline) for msgid, body in (images or {}).items(): image = MIMEImage(body) image.add_header("Content-ID", "<%s>" % msgid) image.add_header("Content-Disposition", "inline") msg.attach(image) send_MIME_email(smtp_mail_from, recipients, msg, config, dryrun=dryrun) def send_MIME_email(e_from, e_to, mime_msg, config, dryrun=False): SMTP_HOST = config["SMTP_HOST"] SMTP_PORT = config["SMTP_PORT"] SMTP_USER = config["SMTP_USER"] SMTP_PASSWORD = config["SMTP_PASSWORD"] SMTP_STARTTLS = config["SMTP_STARTTLS"] SMTP_SSL = config["SMTP_SSL"] if not dryrun: s = ( smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT) if SMTP_SSL else smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT) ) if SMTP_STARTTLS: s.starttls() if SMTP_USER and SMTP_PASSWORD: s.login(SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASSWORD) logger.info("Sent an email to " + str(e_to)) s.sendmail(e_from, e_to, mime_msg.as_string()) s.quit() else: logger.info("Dryrun enabled, email notification content is below:") logger.info(mime_msg.as_string()) def get_email_address_list(address_string: str) -> List[str]: address_string_list: List[str] = [] if isinstance(address_string, str): if "," in address_string: address_string_list = address_string.split(",") elif "\n" in address_string: address_string_list = address_string.split("\n") elif ";" in address_string: address_string_list = address_string.split(";") else: address_string_list = [address_string] return [x.strip() for x in address_string_list if x.strip()] def choicify(values): """Takes an iterable and makes an iterable of tuples with it""" return [(v, v) for v in values] def zlib_compress(data): """ Compress things in a py2/3 safe fashion >>> json_str = '{"test": 1}' >>> blob = zlib_compress(json_str) """ if isinstance(data, str): return zlib.compress(bytes(data, "utf-8")) return zlib.compress(data) def zlib_decompress(blob: bytes, decode: Optional[bool] = True) -> Union[bytes, str]: """ Decompress things to a string in a py2/3 safe fashion >>> json_str = '{"test": 1}' >>> blob = zlib_compress(json_str) >>> got_str = zlib_decompress(blob) >>> got_str == json_str True """ if isinstance(blob, bytes): decompressed = zlib.decompress(blob) else: decompressed = zlib.decompress(bytes(blob, "utf-8")) return decompressed.decode("utf-8") if decode else decompressed def to_adhoc(filt, expressionType="SIMPLE", clause="where"): result = { "clause": clause.upper(), "expressionType": expressionType, "filterOptionName": str(uuid.uuid4()), } if expressionType == "SIMPLE": result.update( { "comparator": filt.get("val"), "operator": filt.get("op"), "subject": filt.get("col"), } ) elif expressionType == "SQL": result.update({"sqlExpression": filt.get(clause)}) return result def merge_extra_filters(form_data: dict): # extra_filters are temporary/contextual filters (using the legacy constructs) # that are external to the slice definition. We use those for dynamic # interactive filters like the ones emitted by the "Filter Box" visualization. # Note extra_filters only support simple filters. if "extra_filters" in form_data: # __form and __to are special extra_filters that target time # boundaries. The rest of extra_filters are simple # [column_name in list_of_values]. `__` prefix is there to avoid # potential conflicts with column that would be named `from` or `to` if "adhoc_filters" not in form_data or not isinstance( form_data["adhoc_filters"], list ): form_data["adhoc_filters"] = [] date_options = { "__time_range": "time_range", "__time_col": "granularity_sqla", "__time_grain": "time_grain_sqla", "__time_origin": "druid_time_origin", "__granularity": "granularity", } # Grab list of existing filters 'keyed' on the column and operator def get_filter_key(f): if "expressionType" in f: return "{}__{}".format(f["subject"], f["operator"]) else: return "{}__{}".format(f["col"], f["op"]) existing_filters = {} for existing in form_data["adhoc_filters"]: if ( existing["expressionType"] == "SIMPLE" and existing["comparator"] is not None and existing["subject"] is not None ): existing_filters[get_filter_key(existing)] = existing["comparator"] for filtr in form_data["extra_filters"]: # Pull out time filters/options and merge into form data if date_options.get(filtr["col"]): if filtr.get("val"): form_data[date_options[filtr["col"]]] = filtr["val"] elif filtr["val"]: # Merge column filters filter_key = get_filter_key(filtr) if filter_key in existing_filters: # Check if the filter already exists if isinstance(filtr["val"], list): if isinstance(existing_filters[filter_key], list): # Add filters for unequal lists # order doesn't matter if set(existing_filters[filter_key]) != set(filtr["val"]): form_data["adhoc_filters"].append(to_adhoc(filtr)) else: form_data["adhoc_filters"].append(to_adhoc(filtr)) else: # Do not add filter if same value already exists if filtr["val"] != existing_filters[filter_key]: form_data["adhoc_filters"].append(to_adhoc(filtr)) else: # Filter not found, add it form_data["adhoc_filters"].append(to_adhoc(filtr)) # Remove extra filters from the form data since no longer needed del form_data["extra_filters"] def merge_request_params(form_data: Dict[str, Any], params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Merge request parameters to the key `url_params` in form_data. Only updates or appends parameters to `form_data` that are defined in `params; pre-existing parameters not defined in params are left unchanged. :param form_data: object to be updated :param params: request parameters received via query string """ url_params = form_data.get("url_params", {}) for key, value in params.items(): if key in ("form_data", "r"): continue url_params[key] = value form_data["url_params"] = url_params def user_label(user: User) -> Optional[str]: """Given a user ORM FAB object, returns a label""" if user: if user.first_name and user.last_name: return user.first_name + " " + user.last_name else: return user.username return None def get_or_create_db(database_name, sqlalchemy_uri, *args, **kwargs): from superset import db from superset.models import core as models database = ( db.session.query(models.Database).filter_by(database_name=database_name).first() ) if not database: logger.info(f"Creating database reference for {database_name}") database = models.Database(database_name=database_name, *args, **kwargs) db.session.add(database) database.set_sqlalchemy_uri(sqlalchemy_uri) db.session.commit() return database def get_example_database(): from superset import conf db_uri = conf.get("SQLALCHEMY_EXAMPLES_URI") or conf.get("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI") return get_or_create_db("examples", db_uri) def is_adhoc_metric(metric) -> bool: return bool( isinstance(metric, dict) and ( ( metric["expressionType"] == ADHOC_METRIC_EXPRESSION_TYPES["SIMPLE"] and metric["column"] and metric["aggregate"] ) or ( metric["expressionType"] == ADHOC_METRIC_EXPRESSION_TYPES["SQL"] and metric["sqlExpression"] ) ) and metric["label"] ) def get_metric_name(metric): return metric["label"] if is_adhoc_metric(metric) else metric def get_metric_names(metrics): return [get_metric_name(metric) for metric in metrics] def ensure_path_exists(path: str): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if not (os.path.isdir(path) and exc.errno == errno.EEXIST): raise def get_since_until( time_range: Optional[str] = None, since: Optional[str] = None, until: Optional[str] = None, time_shift: Optional[str] = None, relative_start: Optional[str] = None, relative_end: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[datetime, datetime]: """Return `since` and `until` date time tuple from string representations of time_range, since, until and time_shift. This functiom supports both reading the keys separately (from `since` and `until`), as well as the new `time_range` key. Valid formats are: - ISO 8601 - X days/years/hours/day/year/weeks - X days/years/hours/day/year/weeks ago - X days/years/hours/day/year/weeks from now - freeform Additionally, for `time_range` (these specify both `since` and `until`): - Last day - Last week - Last month - Last quarter - Last year - No filter - Last X seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years - Next X seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years """ separator = " : " relative_start = parse_human_datetime(relative_start if relative_start else "today") relative_end = parse_human_datetime(relative_end if relative_end else "today") common_time_frames = { "Last day": ( relative_start - relativedelta(days=1), # type: ignore relative_end, ), "Last week": ( relative_start - relativedelta(weeks=1), # type: ignore relative_end, ), "Last month": ( relative_start - relativedelta(months=1), # type: ignore relative_end, ), "Last quarter": ( relative_start - relativedelta(months=3), # type: ignore relative_end, ), "Last year": ( relative_start - relativedelta(years=1), # type: ignore relative_end, ), } if time_range: if separator in time_range: since, until = time_range.split(separator, 1) if since and since not in common_time_frames: since = add_ago_to_since(since) since = parse_human_datetime(since) until = parse_human_datetime(until) elif time_range in common_time_frames: since, until = common_time_frames[time_range] elif time_range == "No filter": since = until = None else: rel, num, grain = time_range.split() if rel == "Last": since = relative_start - relativedelta( # type: ignore **{grain: int(num)} ) until = relative_end else: # rel == 'Next' since = relative_start until = relative_end + relativedelta( # type: ignore **{grain: int(num)} ) else: since = since or "" if since: since = add_ago_to_since(since) since = parse_human_datetime(since) until = parse_human_datetime(until) if until else relative_end if time_shift: time_delta = parse_past_timedelta(time_shift) since = since if since is None else (since - time_delta) # type: ignore until = until if until is None else (until - time_delta) # type: ignore if since and until and since > until: raise ValueError(_("From date cannot be larger than to date")) return since, until # type: ignore def add_ago_to_since(since: str) -> str: """ Backwards compatibility hack. Without this slices with since: 7 days will be treated as 7 days in the future. :param str since: :returns: Since with ago added if necessary :rtype: str """ since_words = since.split(" ") grains = ["days", "years", "hours", "day", "year", "weeks"] if len(since_words) == 2 and since_words[1] in grains: since += " ago" return since def convert_legacy_filters_into_adhoc(fd): mapping = {"having": "having_filters", "where": "filters"} if not fd.get("adhoc_filters"): fd["adhoc_filters"] = [] for clause, filters in mapping.items(): if clause in fd and fd[clause] != "": fd["adhoc_filters"].append(to_adhoc(fd, "SQL", clause)) if filters in fd: for filt in filter(lambda x: x is not None, fd[filters]): fd["adhoc_filters"].append(to_adhoc(filt, "SIMPLE", clause)) for key in ("filters", "having", "having_filters", "where"): if key in fd: del fd[key] def split_adhoc_filters_into_base_filters(fd): """ Mutates form data to restructure the adhoc filters in the form of the four base filters, `where`, `having`, `filters`, and `having_filters` which represent free form where sql, free form having sql, structured where clauses and structured having clauses. """ adhoc_filters = fd.get("adhoc_filters") if isinstance(adhoc_filters, list): simple_where_filters = [] simple_having_filters = [] sql_where_filters = [] sql_having_filters = [] for adhoc_filter in adhoc_filters: expression_type = adhoc_filter.get("expressionType") clause = adhoc_filter.get("clause") if expression_type == "SIMPLE": if clause == "WHERE": simple_where_filters.append( { "col": adhoc_filter.get("subject"), "op": adhoc_filter.get("operator"), "val": adhoc_filter.get("comparator"), } ) elif clause == "HAVING": simple_having_filters.append( { "col": adhoc_filter.get("subject"), "op": adhoc_filter.get("operator"), "val": adhoc_filter.get("comparator"), } ) elif expression_type == "SQL": if clause == "WHERE": sql_where_filters.append(adhoc_filter.get("sqlExpression")) elif clause == "HAVING": sql_having_filters.append(adhoc_filter.get("sqlExpression")) fd["where"] = " AND ".join(["({})".format(sql) for sql in sql_where_filters]) fd["having"] = " AND ".join(["({})".format(sql) for sql in sql_having_filters]) fd["having_filters"] = simple_having_filters fd["filters"] = simple_where_filters def get_username() -> Optional[str]: """Get username if within the flask context, otherwise return noffin'""" try: return g.user.username except Exception: return None def MediumText() -> Variant: return Text().with_variant(MEDIUMTEXT(), "mysql") def shortid() -> str: return "{}".format(uuid.uuid4())[-12:] class DatasourceName(NamedTuple): table: str schema: str def get_stacktrace(): if current_app.config["SHOW_STACKTRACE"]: return traceback.format_exc() def split( s: str, delimiter: str = " ", quote: str = '"', escaped_quote: str = r"\"" ) -> Iterator[str]: """ A split function that is aware of quotes and parentheses. :param s: string to split :param delimiter: string defining where to split, usually a comma or space :param quote: string, either a single or a double quote :param escaped_quote: string representing an escaped quote :return: list of strings """ parens = 0 quotes = False i = 0 for j, c in enumerate(s): complete = parens == 0 and not quotes if complete and c == delimiter: yield s[i:j] i = j + len(delimiter) elif c == "(": parens += 1 elif c == ")": parens -= 1 elif c == quote: if quotes and s[j - len(escaped_quote) + 1 : j + 1] != escaped_quote: quotes = False elif not quotes: quotes = True yield s[i:] class TimeRangeEndpoint(str, Enum): """ The time range endpoint types which represent inclusive, exclusive, or unknown. Unknown represents endpoints which are ill-defined as though the interval may be [start, end] the filter may behave like (start, end] due to mixed data types and lexicographical ordering. :see: https://github.com/apache/incubator-superset/issues/6360 """ EXCLUSIVE = "exclusive" INCLUSIVE = "inclusive" UNKNOWN = "unknown" class ReservedUrlParameters(Enum): """ Reserved URL parameters that are used internally by Superset. These will not be passed to chart queries, as they control the behavior of the UI. """ STANDALONE = "standalone" EDIT_MODE = "edit" class QuerySource(Enum): """ The source of a SQL query. """ CHART = 0 DASHBOARD = 1 SQL_LAB = 2