## @superset-ui/demo [![David (path)](https://img.shields.io/david/huandzh/superset-ui-plugins-echarts-basic.svg?path=packages%2Fsuperset-ui-plugins-demo&style=flat-square)](https://david-dm.org/huandzh/superset-ui-plugins-echarts-basic?path=packages/superset-ui-plugins-demo) Storybook of `@dmicros/superset-ui-plugins-echarts-basic` packages. See it live at [echarts-basic.iamhd.top](https://echarts-basic.iamhd.top) ### Development #### Run storybook To view the storybook locally, you should: 1. Clone [huandzh/superset-ui-plugins-echarts-basic](https://github.com/huandzh/superset-ui-plugins-echarts-basic.git) repo. 2. Run `yarn install && yarn build` in the `huandzh/superset-ui-plugins-echarts-basic` root directory. 3. Change to the demo directory `cd packages/superset-ui-plugins-demo`. 4. Run `yarn run storybook`. This will open up a dev server at http://localhost:9001. #### Adding new stories ###### Existing package If stories already exist for the package you are adding, simply extend the `examples` already exported for that package in the `storybook/stories//index.js` file. ###### New package If you are creating stories for a package that doesn't yet have any stories, follow these steps: 1. Add any new package dependencies via `yarn add `, but if it is `@superset-ui/*` packages, manually add it to `peerDependencies`. 2. Create a new folder that mirrors the package name > e.g., `mkdir storybook/stories/superset-ui-color/` 3. Add an `index.js` file to that folder with a default export with the following shape: > you can use the `|` separator within the `storyPath` string to denote _nested_ stories e.g., > `storyPath: '@superset-ui/package|Nested i|Nested ii'` ```javascript default export { examples: [ { storyPath: , storyName: , renderStory: () => node, }, ... ] }; ```