import { addParameters, configure } from '@storybook/react'; addParameters({ options: { name: '@superset-ui/plugins-template 🔌💡', addonPanelInRight: false, enableShortcuts: false, goFullScreen: false, hierarchyRootSeparator: null, hierarchySeparator: /\|/, selectedAddonPanel: undefined, // The order of addons in the "Addon panel" is the same as you import them in 'addons.js'. The first panel will be opened by default as you run Storybook showAddonPanel: true, showSearchBox: false, showStoriesPanel: true, sidebarAnimations: true, sortStoriesByKind: false, url: '#', }, }); function loadStorybook() { require('./storybook.css'); require('../storybook/stories'); // all of the stories } configure(loadStorybook, module);